I nearly knock over my noodles. “Drew! Did you scare them all off?”


“I think yes!”

“The last one said I created a hostile work environment.”

“Drew! What will you do?”

“I don’t know. I am what I am.”

“You’re not Popeye!”

This makes him laugh. “You watched Popeye cartoons?”

“And the movie. I wanted to be Olive Oyl when I grew up.”

“That’s an interesting figure to aspire to.”

I’m about to start singing the “He Needs Me” song, but I stop myself. I have to hold back my core freak, at least for now. “So tomorrow when you see her, I want you to practice replacement.”

“Replacement of what?”

“Replace your negative thoughts and actions with positive ones. Think of something good before you talk to her, and that will lead to good behavior.”

“I’m not sure I should be a subject for your positivity whatever-it-is.”

“But you have to try!”

His voice is deadpan. “Sure.”

I want to come up with more ideas for him, but he breaks in with, “I should go.”

So soon! But this was how he was last night. It’s like he just gets done.

“Thanks for your confession, Drew. It makes me feel better.”

He grunts.

“And thank you for thinking about my mom. I like that someone else remembers her.”

More silence.

“Good night, Drew.”

He must be out of words, because he simply ends the call.

Chapter 14


I consider what Ensley said last night as I approach Jenny Thursday morning. Think good things and you will do good things.

Jenny looks up at me with big doe eyes, like I’m a wolf about to attack.

“Good morning, Jenny,” I say. “How are you today?”

She grips her pen so hard her fingers are white. “I’m okay, Dr.Daniels.”