“When will her bag not fit at all?”

“Probably in about four more moves. I might pause before that happens, let her work on making it fit for a while.”

“Remind me to guard my fridge when you’re around.”

“You better!”

Of course, I’ll never be around his fridge.

Another silence falls.

I rack my brain for something else to say. I don’t want to get off the phone. “Do you have a confession for me? It can be small.”

He grunts.

“I’ll give you some space to think about it.” I go quiet. To distract myself from butting in as the silence gets uncomfortable, I count slowly down from twenty-five.

I get to about eight when he finally says, “My receptionist is going to quit.”

That’s not what I expected. But I can totally work with that. “Has she been there long?”

“A couple of weeks.”

“She doesn’t like it there?”

“I scare her.”

I stir my cold noodles. “Yeah. I can see that.”


“Has she given notice?”

“She said as much to Maria. I think she’s scared to tell me. Maria thinks Friday will be her last day.”

“But it’s not official?”

“It sounds like she plans to leave her keys on the desk and disappear quietly.”

“Drew! Were you a real caveman with her?”

“I’m a caveman with everyone.”

“You’re talking to me.”


“What’s her name?”


“I know you can be nice to Jenny. You can fix this.”

“It’s probably too late.”

“You’ve got to try. Unless you have a lead on a new one.”

“No. She’s the third one this year, and it’s only March.”