When we get home, I get Snowball settled and order some Thai to be delivered. I composed a hundred emails in my head during the drive, but none of them feel right.

Ensley, I would like to apologize for the most egregious email that was accidentally sent to you by my cat.

No, no. I must take the blame.

Ensley, this evening I wrote a few paragraphs of inappropriate commentary.

No, no.

I pace the condo, the kitten tottering after me, trying to attack my shoelaces.

I sit on the sofa. “I need to get you some toys.” She jumps in my lap to go after a shirt button.

Another email forms in my head.

Ensley, I take full responsibility for the incredibly inappropriate email that was sent to you a few hours ago.

That’s a good start, but what do I say next?

Maybe I can leave it at that.

With this set in my head, I open my laptop and pull up Ensley’s email to form a new reply.

I’ve only just begun to type when the doorbell rings. My food.

I pay the delivery driver and set the bag on the kitchen table. I won’t even eat until I’ve dealt with this issue. With any luck, she’s busy tonight, and she hasn’t read the email yet.

I look over the words again.

Ensley, I take full responsibility for the incredibly inappropriate email that was sent to you a few hours ago.

It feels unfinished. Maybe I will eat after all and think about this more. I shut the laptop to avoid any more keyboard sends.

Sasha—Snowball—sniffs at the bag as I pull out my red curry. “You don’t want any of this,” I assure her. “It’ll singe your whiskers off.”

She lies back on a place mat, content to fight the plastic handle of the bag.

Maybe it’s the email format that’s the problem. If I could text her, perhaps I could get away with something short.

I don’t have her phone number, but there was a group text somewhere along the way. Ronnie sent one back when she was first planning the wedding, before Felicia got her hands on it and everything went to the coordinator.

That’s smart. Since she hasn’t replied, she probably hasn’t seen it yet. A text might get seen first, whereas another email would only come after the first one.

I dump rice into a bowl and top it with the curry. As I take my first bites, I thumb through my history of text messages.

I locate it. Almost a year ago.

Ronnie:Hey everybody! If you’re in this text, that means you’re part of our wedding! The ceremony will be March 5 in Atlanta. Save the date!

There’s a stream of congratulations and excited comments after that. I run through them until I spot Ensley’s.

Okay, so I have her number.

I take a few more bites and type in the sentence I came up with to see how it looks as a text.

I take full responsibility for the incredibly inappropriate email that was sent to you a few hours ago.

I like it.