“I’ll do the food runs and make sure you all have what you need.”

“Okay. See you there.”

I start my car. Tillie is with Lila, and they’ve already left for the hospital with her packed bag. My own bag is in the back seat. I have Good Noodles and granola bars, soft warm sweats to stay comfy, and treats for Lila. Plus the first baby gift, which Tillie and I bought together, a precious swaddling blanket and matching hat for her first pictures.

I get stuck in traffic and smack my hands against the steering wheel. Tillie texts that they’ve checked in and Lila will be in birthing room 407.

I’m still on the freeway when Drew texts to say he’s on his way. Good grief, I’m going to be the last one there.

If I don’t make this baby’s birth, I’m going to be so mad!

But I needn’t have worried. When I arrive in the room, Lila is getting settled in her gown and Tillie is starting up the labor playlist.

“Drew went to get coffee for all y’all,” Lila says. She looks perfectly fine, like nothing’s happening at all.

I drop my bag on the floor. “Are you actually in labor?”

But then it happens. Lila clutches her belly, her breath coming in huffs. I rush to her side and hold her hand like we practiced in her birthing class. Tillie takes her spot near her shoulders, massaging the tension there.

The nurse pops in. “I see your team is all assembled. Where did Dad go?”

The three of us exchange glances. I’m about to correct her when Lila squeezes my hand. I instantly know what she means. It’s nice to feel like this is a normal situation. There is no need to tell anybody about the real dad until it’s time to sign the certificate.

“He’s getting coffee,” Tillie says. “This is Lila’s other sister, Ensley.”

“How lovely you’re all here. I’m Candace, and I’ll be here through the night. Are you comfortable enough? We’ve paged your OB and let him know labor has started.”

Lila nods, huffing in and out.

“Good.” She writes her name on the whiteboard. “I’ll be back to do the next set of vitals soon. Call me if you feel anxious or have any trouble.”

When she opens the door, Drew is there, holding a to-go tray of coffee cups. “Ensley, you’re here!” He leans down to kiss me, but I hold him away until the nurse has cleared the door.

Drew looks at me inquisitively. “Is there something I don’t know?”

“The nurse thinks you’re Dad,” I say. “We’re going to let her keep thinking it. So don’t freak her out by kissing me.”

Tillie bursts out laughing. “You know this ruse is going to bite us in the butt.”

“Shush,” Lila says. “And put your attention on me. I’m the one having a baby.” Her contraction must have ended, because she’s talking normally again.

“Asshole isn’t going to show up, is he?” I ask. “Drew makes a much better father figure.”

Tillie throws me a look, but I ignore her. “We need to know.”

Lila shakes her head. “I lied about the due date, just in case. He thinks it’s October. I don’t want him here.”

“Good for you,” Tillie says.

“We’ve got you,” I tell her.

“We really do,” Drew says. “Just call me Dad.”

“I’m going to laugh when they try to take pictures of you two and the baby,” Tillie says.

“I will like that picture just fine,” Lila says. “Thank you for being here, Drew. The jig will be up when my regular doctor arrives, so you’ll be free to avoid the icky parts. He knows about he-who-will-not-be-named.”

Drew sets the coffee on the side table. “I’m here for whatever you need me to do.”