“I know, Mom.”

“Give an old lady a visit.”

“I will.”

“Good luck, baby.”

I only sit there for seconds before the image of what I need to do is in my head. Mom had a favorite romance movie when I was a kid. I thought it was cheesy and horrible.

But I bet Ensley doesn’t.

I know exactly where I’m headed and what I’m going to do.

Chapter 39


Thank God it’s Friday.

I wait for Milton to leave the teller area for the vault before taking my position at the drive-through window. I’ve avoided him all morning, although he did seek me out to berate me for letting the pen stock get low in the lobby. I’ll fill it up after this line of cars dies down.

Pens. I’m reprimanded over pens.

Helen has trained up and manages the lobby window while Janet and I work the cars. Fridays are always busy with customers cashing their paychecks for the weekend.

I smile and count cash and fill the pneumatic tubes, over and over. I miss being at the counter, but since my wardrobe is now the same as a funeral director’s, there’s not much to see, anyway. I can’t believe I’ve been forced to wear navy blue.

I’ll have to shop this weekend to get more drab things. The money I got from working for Drew dropped yesterday, so I have a bit extra.

My designated lunch period finally arrives, the last one of the day, and I’m starved. As soon as I enter the break room, I greedily pull out my phone to see if Drew has responded to my text this morning. It’s not likely. I should have done it last night after Garrett left. But I’d filled screen after screen with thoughts, and it took sleeping on it to decide which one was best.

Nothing yet. But there is a note from Cindy asking how it’s going.

I write her back.

Me:A nightmare. I have to wear navy.

Cindy:There’s a couple holes in some other cities.

Me:Like where?

Cindy:Memphis. Savannah.

Me:I don’t know anyonethere.

Cindy:I didn’t see Atlanta on the list.

I never told her about Drew going up in flames.

Me:It’s fine.

Cindy:I’ll give you the best reference ever. Just let me know.

I send a message to Lila, asking if she’s doing all right. I do this multiple times a day, now that she’s alone. Tillie won’t get there until Monday. I still have to go to the leasing office and find a new apartment in the complex. I’m down to mere days on this one.

Too much.

It’s all too much.