“I, well, I met someone.”

“Did you now? You’ve never mentioned a woman before.”

“I never really dated before.”

There’s a small silence, then she says, “I had a feeling that might be it.”

I try to speak, but my throat is closed down. Damn, there’s that stupid emotion. I force myself past it. “I think I might be like Dad.”

“No.” Her voice is hard-edged and firm. “You are not like him at all. The capacity to love, truly love, isn’t in him.”

“I only seem to care about the animals.”

“And that should tell you all you need to know. Love isn’t limited that way. If you can love anything, then you can love, period.”

“I’m not so sure.”

“Well, I am. And I’m your mother, so you have to listen to me.”

I bark out a quick laugh. “Probably so.”

“You going to tell me who she is? Her name at least?”

“You know her.”

“Part of the old crowd, then? Did you see her at the wedding?”

“I did. Ensley James.”

Another pause. “Does she know how you’ve always felt?”


“I know, I know. She was too young for you. But I know why Garrett was your best friend. I know why you always went there instead of coming here. To see her. Help her family out. Even back then. It’s always been Ensley.”

“Is there anything you don’t know?”

“There are things I wish I didn’t.”

We’re quiet again. She waits me out. She’s good with silences.

I clear my throat to be sure it will work. “She was thinking of moving here to be with her sister, but I wrecked it.”

“Can it be fixed?”

“I don’t know.”

“Are you going to try?”

“Maybe. Any ideas?”

“Show her you know who she is. Meet her where she’s at.”

I do know who Ensley is. And she told me what she wanted from me. Said it plain as day.

“Thanks, Mom.”

“Let me know how it turns out. And if you end up here in Alabama, I’m only a mile from Ensley’s childhood home.”