“Why not?” There was a smile in his voice, one she felt against her skin as he kissed her collarbones, as though he was marking her as his with his mouth. There was something possessive about it.
“I won’t be responsible for my actions if you don’t stop talking to me like that. And that’s sort of my thing.”
“I don’t know. I like the thought of you not responsible for your actions.” He slid his hand further up her thigh. It was millimeters away from the hem of her panties. She moaned, and he chuckled. “You’re so very hot, and you don’t let anyone but me see you this way.”
“What way?” As much as it was dangerous for her to egg him on, it made her feel powerful. She wanted him to be as undone by this juggernaut of feeling between them as she was. She wanted to unravel him and then wind him back up. Only to do it all again.
Instead of answering, he slipped a finger inside her underwear. She gasped, and for a quick moment, her mind cleared. Until she looked around and saw no one on the sidewalk or street. Galvin had stopped stroking her inside her panties when she stiffened up. But he didn’t pull his hand out from under her skirt. He didn’t stop raining kisses over her cheeks and the corners of her mouth.
“It looks like I’m giving you a kiss good night.” His voice was low and soothing. He sounded as though he had so much control. How was he not hanging by a thread? “As long as you stay quiet, I’ll make you come.”
This was—by far—the wildest thing she’d ever done sexually. And she realized that it probably wasn’t wild at all to Galvin. But still, he wasn’t rushing her or goading her into anything that she would regret later. She’d probably regret allowing their relationship to become sexual at all later, but she really couldn’t live in the future right now. Except the very near future, where she was coming all over his fingers when anyone could walk up.
Just one simple word was all it took for him to press his middle and index fingers hard into her clit. “You’re so wet for me, Jessica.” He said her name as though it was a prayer. “It’s not going to take any work at all to make you come apart.” If he’d said it in a different tone, it would feel as though he was mocking her, but he wasn’t. He seemed to be in awe of how turned on she was. It made her spread her thighs to give him more room to maneuver. “Pull your panties down for me.”
She had to release her death grip on the door handle and the back of his neck to do it, but she managed. All she wanted was more of him. When her panties were down to her ankles, he pulled them over her shoes. She didn’t know where they went, and she didn’t care when he pressed two fingers to her center and penetrated her with them.
She gasped, and he stilled. “Okay?”
More than anything, she needed him to move. She wanted friction both inside and on her clit, and she wasn’t sure she could verbalize as much right now. Instead, she nodded.
“I need the words, Jessica.” This time, he sounded like he was giving her an order.
Willing to do anything to make him keep going, she said, “Yes. I’m here.”
He started moving his hand, and she rocked her pelvis against his knuckles to get more stimulation. She felt helpless and infinitely powerful at the same time. “Do you want me to rub your clit? Is that why you’re rubbing your bare pussy all over the upholstery in my car? It’s going to smell like you unless I get it detailed.”
She stopped moving then, not embarrassed, but shocked at his words. “I’ll pay to get it cleaned.”
He laughed and pressed his thumb against her clit. She felt as though she’d been struck by lightning. “Move against my hand,” he said. He sounded like he was in complete control, and it turned her on. If he’d sounded like she felt, she wouldn’t be able to let go. But he had himself under control, so she could revel in the sensations buffeting her body.
He was right, it didn’t take long for her to come apart. She was on the edge of it, and then it was there. The orgasm turned her into a blank slate. She couldn’t remember what it was like to feel pain, and she no longer knew what the ache of loneliness felt like inside her chest. For a few seconds, while she pulled her legs together to keep his hand still and inside her, there was nothing outside of the car. She was a mass of energy and part of everything all at once.
She knew how dangerous it was to connect with another person like this so quickly. She’d had patients throw their whole lives away to feel like this over and over again. But, in that moment, she didn’t give a shit.
She wanted to say something encouraging, given how his last relationship had ended. But she couldn’t seem to find the words—or any words.
He spoke first. “That was—”
“It was—”
“Perfect,” they both said together.
“You’re perfect.” That burst her bubble enough that she laughed.
“I’m not, but the moment was.”
He didn’t say anything but dried his hand on her panties and then offered them back to her. “The old me would have kept these like a trophy, but they look expensive.”
She furrowed her brow and considered telling him to keep them. The fact that he wanted to was so hot it was almost worth buying a new pair. But he’d already made her come in the front seat of his car while talking about how she was making a mess on his seats, so she took them back and slipped them on. When they were on, she figured that he would turn on the car and take her home, and she wondered if he would expect them to continue the carnal festivities. Instead, he surprised her by pulling her close, wrapping his arms around her, and kissing her on the forehead.
Galvin had never thought that making out like teenagers was fun—even when he was a teenager. He’d always been caught up in the end point of the seduction—the main event. Even when he’d been wet behind the ears, he’d been focused on the destination rather than the journey. Now he knew that it was all ego. He’d been so caught up in getting women to say yes to him that he’d forgotten how much fun it could be to fool around.
He’d driven Jessica home after he’d made her come in the front seat of his car, and he hadn’t gone upstairs. He told her that the night was perfect, and they both had early days, but the truth was that he was scared of how much he liked her. The fact that he was content to get her off and didn’t want or need anything in return actually frightened him. His whole life, his sexual relationships had been quasi-transactional. Mutual pleasure and maybe some good times, and a swift end once things became staid or boring.