“You don’t have to,” Landon said, as soon as Theresa left.
“Good, because I don’t remember where anything is at all. I think there’s a bathroom that way.” Casey gestured vaguely to the left. “Anyway, there’s definitely a party that way.” He pointed forward and started walking toward the living room.
Landon followed, and tried but failed to not notice how great Casey’s ass and thighs looked wrapped snugly in green velvet. Checking out butts wasn’t even Landon’s thing, usually, but he’d been having a lot of new thoughts when it came to Casey.
The one at the top of his mind, almost always now, was what would happen if Landon kissed him. Worst-case scenario, obviously, was Casey being horrified and never wanting to talk to him again. Unlikely, Landon thought, but not impossible. Definitely worth avoiding. Best-case scenario, Casey was very into it and they kept on kissing each other for the rest of their lives. Lofty, perhaps.
But not impossible.
Most-likely scenario: Casey kissed him back a bit, was sweet and cheerful as he indulged Landon’s needs, then gently told him he’d be into fooling around but that he wasn’t into Landon like that.
Landon didn’t think his heart could take that scenario. The worst-case scenario would be kinder, in the long run.
For now, he was happy to be led around the room by Casey, and be introduced to anyone he hadn’t met yet. Casey handled most of the talking, which meant Landon only had to insert a few polite words here and there. It was ideal. It also, he realized after the first hour, really looked like he and Casey were a couple. Casey hadn’t left his side for even a minute.
They were beckoned over by a group of three women, all wearing festive cocktail dresses. Landon didn’t know any of them.
“Landon, right?” said the woman with big, blond curls who’d invited them over. “I’m Lee’s wife, Sylvia. This is Mandy, Ross’s wife, and Kat, Antton’s wife.”
Landon was immediately intimidated. “Oh wow,” he said stupidly. “Hi.”
Sylvia laughed. “He has felt our power.”
“We are the elder wives,” Mandy joked. “Tremble before us.”
“Aw, come on,” Casey said. “You’re not scary or old.”
“How dare you? I am both scary and old,” Kat said. She was Finnish and stunning, like her husband, and had very straight dark brown hair.
“How are you liking Calgary?” Mandy asked Landon. “This is only our second season here, so it’s still pretty new for us too.”
“It’s nice,” Landon said. “I hope to see a lot more of it.”
Suddenly the room erupted in cheers, and when Landon turned he saw that Gilbert Morin had arrived.
“It’s like you summoned him,” Kat teased.
Landon’s cheeks heated. “I didn’t mean—”
“I know. But of course you want his job. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
Landon wasn’t sure what to say, so he nodded once and changed the subject. “I think I’ll get a drink.”
“Cool,” Casey said. “I’ll go with you.”
Landon didn’t miss the look Sylvia and Mandy shared, as if Casey had said something amusing.
“Avoid the eggnog,” Sylvia warned. “It’s mostly rum.”
“Clint’s secret recipe,” Kat said.
Landon felt it was a good general rule to avoid open bowls of anything at parties, especially hockey player parties. “I’ll stick to beer.”
Instead of heading to the kitchen, Casey made a beeline for Gilbert with his arms outstretched. “He fucking lives!”
Gilbert engulfed Casey in a hug. He was shorter than Landon but taller than Casey, and his dark hair was flecked with gray. “Got cleared to start working out again too. Might be coming back ahead of schedule, baby!” He spoke loudly, excitedly, and with a French-Canadian accent.
Landon managed a weak smile. “That’s awesome.”