“That’s really pretty.”
“Yeah, I didn’t make that up.”
Las Vegas was no place to mope about unrequited crushes. The team had one night off in Vegas this season and Casey was going to make sure they made the most of it.
He sent a message on the group chat, and wasn’t surprised at all when most of the team were down to hit a club or two. Everyone had been looking forward to tonight.
Everyone except Antton, who had booked an early tee time for himself and some of the training staff. Then Landon sent a message saying he’d probably be staying in and Casey got annoyed.
He was annoyed while he showered, and he was annoyed as he got changed into his sexy club outfit. Landon had never been to Vegas before, and Casey had thought he’d been looking forward to it. Casey certainly had. He wanted to show Landon a good time, and he hated how bummed out he was at the prospect of going out without him. Casey should be seizing this opportunity to find someone hot who will help him forget all about Landon.
Ten minutes later, Casey was knocking on Antton’s door. “I need to borrow a shirt.”
Antton placed a hand on top of his own head, then moved it in a flat line until it was hovering half a foot over Casey’s head.
“It’s not for me,” Casey said. “It’s for Stacks. Just, like, a nice button-up. Something dark. Do you have that floral print one?”
Antton’s eyebrows shot up. “The Tom Ford one?”
“Oh shit, is it? Yeah. Do you have it?”
Finally, Antton stepped back and let Casey into his room. His clothes were all hanging in the closet, because Antton was an actual grown-up, and Casey could see the sleeve of the shirt he’d been thinking of.
“Sweet, you brought it.”
Antton carefully removed it from the closet, handling it as if it could shatter. “I want it back. And I want it dry-cleaned first.”
“No problem.”
“It might be loose in the shoulders on Landon.”
“It’ll be okay. Thanks, Antton. I owe you.”
“You owe me that shirt back in perfect condition.”
“Love you, pal.”
“My love is conditional on getting that shirt back,” Antton said flatly.
“Yeah, yeah.” Casey left the room and marched down the hall on a mission.
Landon was stretching when he heard knocking on the hotel room door. Planes really did a number on his legs and back.
West was in the shower, so Landon grumpily got off the floor and answered the door. Of course it was Casey.
“West isn’t ready yet,” Landon said.
“Huh? Oh, right. I forgot you’re roomies. No, I came to see you. Here.” He held out a very fancy-looking shirt.
“I didn’t order that.”
“Just—” Casey let out an exasperated sounding sigh. “Can I come in?”
Landon let him in. “Why are you bringing me a shirt?”
“So you can wear it out.” There was a challenge in Casey’s tone.
Landon folded his arms. “I’m staying in. Didn’t you read the group chat?”