“Hey,” Casey said, “did you hear Westy is gonna propose to Allison on Christmas?”
Landon laughed. “I think everyone on earth knows.”
“It’s nice, though. I’m happy for them.”
“Me too. But being proposed to on Christmas in front of all your family would be a nightmare, right?”
Casey stiffened in his arms and didn’t say anything.
“You okay?”
Casey gave an awkward little laugh, then said, “Totally. Yeah.” He was silent another moment before adding, “So, is it the Christmas part or the family part that sounds like a nightmare to you?”
“Both. It’s not that I don’t think Allison will say yes, but having to be on display like that in front of people, and then having Christmas always remind you of that awkward moment? No thanks.”
“Right,” Casey said quietly. “Fuck.”
Landon stepped back enough to see Casey’s face. “You’re being weird.”
“Nope. Totally chill and regular.”
Nothing about Casey’s face looked chill or regular. He looked like he’d seen a ghost.
Things clicked into place.
“Wait,” Landon said slowly.
“Nothing!” Casey said loudly. “I didn’t say anything. I’m not planning anything. What are you talking about?”
“Oh my god.” Landon had to walk away and grip the railing. Had Casey really planned on proposing to him? Marriage?
With his back to Casey, he let a goofy grin take over his face. Holy shit!
“Okay, fine,” Casey said, behind him. “It was a bad idea. I just thought, since our families will be here at the house with us this Christmas, it would be ideal timing. I mean, I was worried about stealing Westy’s thunder a bit, but...would you have said yes?”
“I would have died of embarrassment. But I would have said yes before that, maybe.”
“How about now?”
Landon turned to see Casey on one knee in the snow. His mouth went dry, and his stomach fluttered because there was no way this could be real. But of course it was, because being with Casey meant a life full of impulsive, ridiculous moments. Casey always offered fun, and joy. All Landon ever had to do was say yes.
But because he was still Landon Stackhouse, he said, “You’re going to ruin your pants.”
“Too late.” Casey swallowed. “Will you marry me, Stacks?”
It was too soon. They were probably too young. Their future was too uncertain. But yes, of course Landon would marry him. Of course he wanted a life of moments like this one, and all the joy that came with it.
“I have good news and bad news,” he said, speaking quickly before the lump in his throat got any bigger.
Casey smiled. “Good news first.”
“Yes. I’ll marry you.”
Casey theatrically wiped his brow. “Phew. Rad. Okay, hit me with the bad news.”
“I’m going to look hotter than you on our wedding day.”
Casey burst out laughing.