Landon beckoned Casey upstairs just before dinner.
“I told my parents about us,” he said when they were in his bedroom. “They seemed to know already, but still. I told them.”
Casey grinned. “Mine knew too! I guess we’re bad at secrets.”
“They did? They know about us?”
“Yep. So, good news, we can share a room now!”
“Bad news: it’s still weird to do that when we’re surrounded by family.”
Casey leaned into him. “It’s fine. Everyone is cool. And I didn’t mean sex. I like sleeping next to you. And I wanna wake up on Christmas morning with you.”
Landon couldn’t help smiling at that. “Oh god. What are you like on Christmas morning?”
“You’ll see tomorrow.” Casey kissed him, then kissed him again. They kept kissing until Dougie shouted, “Chowder!” up the stairs.
Landon laughed against Casey’s lips. “He’s really excited about that chowder.”
“You seem less sloshed.”
“I’ve been drinking water,” Casey said proudly. “I’m such a lightweight. It’s embarrassing.”
“So am I. That’s why I don’t drink very often.” They kissed again, then Landon did the responsible thing and opened the bedroom door. “Let’s go eat.”
“Biscuits!” Casey ran past him out the door.
Later that night, Landon was in bed, staring at the ceiling while Casey stroked his chest. They’d left a lamp on because Casey had admitted he didn’t like waking up in the dark in strange places.
“I can hear you thinking,” Casey said. “Are you still mad about Uno?”
“No,” Landon said. Then, “It’s a stupid game for kids.”
Casey laughed and kissed his shoulder. “I should have warned you that we take Uno pretty seriously in my family.”
“I’m not even thinking about it. I don’t care.”
“I can tell. What’s up, then?”
“Your family kept making fun of you.”
Casey looked momentarily confused, then he smiled when he realized what Landon meant. “Oh. For being stupid. Yeah. Well.”
“Doesn’t it bother you?”
Casey shrugged, but he didn’t say no.
Landon placed his palm on Casey’s hip. “You’re not stupid.”
“According to pretty much everyone, yeah, I am. Well—” Casey covered Landon’s hand with his own “—not you. I know I’m annoying, and let’s be real, I’m not a genius, but you make me feel...worthwhile? I dunno. Is that the right word?”
“God, I hope not.”
“See? Stupid.”
Landon leaned in. “Casey,” he said seriously, “you’re amazing. Every day I feel so lucky to be around you. You’re interesting and funny and I hate that it’s going to end soon. I fucking hate it, because I know I’ll never meet anyone like you again.”