Page 115 of Time to Shine

“Oh. Thank you.” Landon was feeling the weight of having too much attention on him, so he said, “Casey played great tonight. Lots of good chances.”

Eleanor patted Casey’s arm. “He promised to score me a goal, so I’m not speaking to him right now.”

Casey laughed. “I’ll score three tomorrow night for you.”

“I won’t be at that game, because someone said it’s more important to get to the cabin tomorrow.”

“Well,” Dougie said sheepishly, “we do have the place rented starting tomorrow, and there are things to prepare.”

Eleanor sighed. “I suppose it’s only against Anaheim.”

Everyone laughed, but Casey said, “Way to jinx us.”

They chatted for a bit longer, then Casey asked, “You guys want to come back to the house for a bit?” He pointed to his dad. “I’ve got Heineken.”

“You’ve also got a game tomorrow,” Dougie said sternly, though his eyes sparkled.

“I don’t know how you can even hold your eyes open,” Michelle said. “Especially Landon.”

“Adrenaline,” said Casey, Dougie, and Landon all at once.

“Well, that won’t last,” Michelle said. “Go get some sleep. We can drink and be merry on Christmas Eve.”

Dougie nodded in agreement. “Besides, the time zone is messing with us and it must be even worse for Mike and Joanna.”

“It should be,” Mom said, “but I am just buzzing right now.”

“Okay,” Casey said. “Heineken for Joanna, sleep for the rest of us.”

They all laughed, then Michelle pointed to Mom and Dad and said, “You guys still want to come up with us tomorrow?”

“Well,” Mike said slowly as he turned uncertain eyes on his son. “If Landon and Casey don’t mind.”

Landon could tell Dad really wanted to spend more time with Dougie, so he nodded and said, “Of course. You should go. I’m not even playing tomorrow night, anyway. And we’ll meet you there on Christmas Eve.”

“Are you sure?” Mom asked.

“Totally. Have fun.” He wanted them to have fun. And, if he was being honest, he wanted some alone time with Casey before a couple of days of even more family.

“We need to leave early because Brooke is going be getting to the cabin in the afternoon,” Michelle said. “And I have to hit a grocery store and a few other places before we leave town. We can get those chowder ingredients.” She turned to Landon. “You should have seen the way Dougie’s face lit up when your mom mentioned seafood chowder.”

“I can help make it,” Landon offered quickly. “I mean, I’d like to, if that’s okay.”

Mom smiled at him. “I’d love that.”

Chapter Thirty-Five

“Okay, so this is not a cabin,” Landon said as they arrived at the house in Banff on Christmas Eve.

Casey winced. He’d been expecting something big, but even for his parents, this was lavish. “Yeah. It’s a bit fancy.”

It was a mansion. It had rustic cabin-inspired design, but only in that there were some exposed logs trimming the stone walls, and it had the shape of a mountain lodge. If that mountain lodge ate five other mountain lodges.

“How did they even rent a place like this?” Landon asked.

“I think Dad’s friend owns it. Or stayed here once. I dunno.”

Casey parked, and was barely out of the car when he heard his name being screamed. He glanced toward the house and saw Brooke charging toward him with her arms spread wide. “Yay! It’s my gross brother!”