Casey smiled and thrust again. “That’s exactly what I was thinking.”
Landon’s eyes were so dark and full of wonder and surprise as Casey found a rhythm.
“Holy—Casey. So good.”
“I know. Fuck, I knew it would be. You’re so beautiful. Like, so fucking beautiful, I ca—” Casey’s breath hitched on a particularly good thrust. “I can’t stop looking at you.”
Landon squeezed his eyes shut. “Oh god.”
“I don’t know how to react when you say something like that.”
Casey gently kissed his nose, and Landon’s eyes opened again. “You fucking dazzle me, Landon.”
The confusion left Landon’s eyes, replaced by something softer as his mouth stretched into a wide smile. “Casey,” he whispered, “you—” His smile disappeared. “Shit. Shit! I’m close. God, sorry, I—”
Casey could stop, or slow down, but he was surprisingly close too and he really wanted to watch Landon come. Maybe it was selfish, but he sped up his thrusts, imagined he was fucking deep into Landon’s body even as he couldn’t remember feeling anything as good as what they were actually doing right now. It was perfect, and so hot, and about to be over in about three seconds because—
“Ah. Casey. I’m—” Wet heat splashed against Casey’s stomach as Landon’s head tipped back, his neck straining. Casey dipped his head and kissed him, right under his jaw, as his own orgasm ripped through him.
He collapsed on top of Landon, and for a long while they stayed like that, panting quietly together while Landon absently stroked Casey’s back.
“Was that okay?” Casey finally asked. He was pretty sure it was, but sometimes feelings changed after climax.
“It was...” Landon exhaled slowly. “It was wow.”
Casey grinned and nuzzled Landon’s neck. “So fucking wow.”
“Thank you.”
“No thanks necessary.”
“I’m serious. That was...not something I could have done with just anyone. You made it easy.”
Casey’s heart felt like it was glowing. He wanted to make everything easy for Landon. “Is it something you might want to do again with me?” he asked hopefully.
Casey kissed his chin. “Damn, Stacks. Give me a minute.”
“I wasn’t saying I wanted to now! I was just clarifying.”
Casey folded his arms on Landon’s chest and rested his chin on his hands. “Okay. I’ll clarify. I would like to have as much sex with you as you want, whenever you want, however you want.”
Landon tilted his chin so he could meet Casey’s gaze. “Right now might be ambitious.”
“Might be.”
“But, um...kiss me?”
Casey didn’t need to be asked twice. They kissed in a sweet, sleepy way that Casey absolutely loved, and loved even more when Landon started threading his fingers through Casey’s hair. They needed to get cleaned up, probably, though they were already cemented together. Leaving the bed seemed like a terrible idea, anyway.
Eventually, Casey felt the unmistakable swell of Landon’s erection returning. “Ambitious, huh?” he teased.
“He’s just happy to have something to do,” Landon joked. His laugh turned into a soft moan when Casey deliberately pressed his weight against Landon’s crotch. “Oh.”
“You want me to keep going?” Casey was wiped, but he was also very interested in trying to make Landon come a second time.