Page 25 of Time to Shine

“To the team, I meant.”

“Whatever. Maybe he’ll stop bothering me now.”

“I doubt it. He kind of won the fight. Don’t know if you noticed.”

Casey was silent for about ten seconds, then he mumbled, “I got some good shots in.”

“I know. That’s why you can’t drive right now. How’s your head?”

“Hurts a bit. It’s fine, though. They checked me for concussion.”

Landon pressed his lips together.

“You’ve never fought anyone?” Casey pressed. “Come on. I’ll bet you have.”

“I’ve shoved guys a bit. I’ve never dropped the gloves and mask and gotten in a real fight.”

“I recommend it. Makes you feel alive.”

Landon huffed. “Except he nearly killed you.”

“He wishes. Take a left up here.”

They were silent for the rest of the drive, which was good because Casey ought to be resting his mouth. When they got in the house, Landon went straight to the freezer and grabbed an ice pack. “Go to the sofa,” he instructed. He had no idea where this need to take care of Casey was coming from, but he couldn’t stop himself.

Casey let out a groan as he stretched himself out on the sofa. “Fuck, okay. Everything hurts.”

Landon sat on the coffee table and faced Casey. He could have just handed him the ice pack, but instead he said, “Let me see your hand.”

Casey held out his right hand, which was definitely in worse shape than his left. Landon held it carefully, letting it rest in the cradle of his own palm, then gently pressed the ice pack to Casey’s knuckles.

Casey hissed.

“Serves you right,” Landon said.

“You’re a shitty nurse.”

“You’re a garbage patient.”

Casey laughed, and then moaned. “My mouth hurts when I smile.”

“Good thing I’m not funny.”

“Ow. Stop making me laugh.”

Landon glanced away from the ice pack, and when his gaze met the softness in Casey’s eyes, he suddenly became very aware that he was holding Casey’s hand. He fought the urge to pull away.

“Why are your hands so soft?” Casey asked, which only made things weirder.

“I moisturize,” Landon muttered. “Here.” He guided Casey’s hand onto the sofa and rested the ice pack on top. “You want to watch something?”

“Yeah. Okay. And could you get me some lemonade? With a straw? And an edible?”

Landon frowned. “What painkillers did they give you already?”

“Nothing. Just some ibuprofen, I swear.”

“Fine.” Landon turned on the TV and found the Discovery Channel after some helpful guidance from Casey because the remote really was confusing. He left Casey watching a show about competitive Christmas decorating and went to the kitchen.