“You’re going to make a great captain one day,” Lee said.
That shocked Casey into speaking. “Me? I’m not captain material. I haven’t been team captain since I was twelve, and even then I think it was because of who my dad was.”
Lee spread his arms dramatically. “You think I don’t know about captain material? You care more about your teammates than anyone I have ever known. It’s why Stackhouse was living with you in the first place.”
Casey dragged his fingertip through the condensation on his beer glass. “I like people. That’s all.”
“That’s what I’m saying!”
Casey couldn’t take much more of this. They were here to talk about Landon, not Casey being fucking captain. Though he appreciated everything Lee was saying, and he would definitely think about it all later.
“Anyway. Back to my broken-heart situation.”
“Right. So assume he never plays in Calgary again. I’m not saying that’s what’s going to happen, but let’s assume that. What then?”
Casey did have an answer ready for this, because it had been all he’d been thinking about since Landon left. “I could do long distance. I know it would suck, but I would do it. If I knew we were together, no matter the distance, I’d be happy. Even if we went months without seeing each other, it would be worth it.”
Lee raised his eyebrows as he swallowed a sip of beer. “So I’m just going to say it: you have sex with a lot of people. You’re just gonna stop?”
“I mean,” Casey said slowly, “we never talked about monogamy or whatever, but yeah. Of course, if that’s what he wanted.” He poked at the cauliflower on his plate. “I haven’t had sex since he left.”
Lee blew out a breath. “Wow. Maybe that’s the problem?”
“No,” Casey said quickly. “I haven’t even wanted to. I’ve definitely been taking care of myself, like, a lot, but—”
Lee held up a hand. “Okay. That’s cool. So have you told Landon that you want to do long distance and commit to him and all that?”
“Basically, yeah.”
“Basically,” Lee said flatly. “And what did he say?”
Casey thought about it. “He doesn’t think it would be fair to me. I guess because of the sex thing you mentioned.”
“What about to him?”
“He doesn’t seem too concerned about his own happiness, to be honest.”
Lee pointed at him. “But you are.”
“Yeah. Of course.” Casey’s brain was getting all scrambled. “Could you tell me exactly what you’re trying to say, please?”
“I’m saying that you have to tell Landon exactly what you want. And if he starts talking like he doesn’t believe you, you’ve got to make him believe you.”
Casey blinked. “Shit, Lee. That’s good advice.”
Lee nodded and took another sip of beer.
Casey picked up a coaster and flipped it over a couple of times. “So how do I do that?”
“Nope. That’s your job. Figure it out.”
“But I suck at figuring shit out,” Casey whined.
“You can do it. I believe in you.”
Casey knew that Lee meant it, and that made him feel lighter. He rested his chin in his palm and said, sincerely, “I love you, Lee.”
Lee rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I’m not the one you need to be saying that to, bud.”