Page 105 of Time to Shine

Now, Casey was warm and soft and all around him. His left hand was hanging in front of Landon’s chest, so Landon took it in his own, tangling their fingers together. Behind him, Casey sighed sleepily and shifted. The hard length of his morning wood bumped against Landon’s ass, and then again with more purpose. Casey groaned softly and did it again.

Landon’s state of pure comfort and contentment began to crumble. It wasn’t that he didn’t like how this felt—he did—but it still brought on a fresh wave of anxiety. There was something important he needed to tell Casey, even though it might mean the end of their...whatever this was.

“Morning,” Casey mumbled, and kissed Landon’s bare shoulder. They were both naked, which was also new for Landon. He found he liked the way his bare skin felt against Casey’s, and against the sheets. He felt safe, in this bed. Which was how he found the courage to share what was weighing on him.

“I need to say something, and I know it might be a deal breaker. If it is, I understand.”

Casey stopped rocking against him. “Deal breaker? What?”

Landon stared at the wall in front of him and kept his tone as neutral as possible. “I don’t want to—” He stopped, then tried again. “I don’t think I’m into, um. Anal.”

Casey exhaled. “That’s cool. Lots of people aren’t.”

“But isn’t that sort of, like, the main event? For two guys?”

Casey actually laughed. “For two guys who love anal, maybe. Not when one or more of them isn’t into it.”

“I mean, I’ve never done it. Obviously. But even thinking about it...” Landon felt like a fucking baby, but he continued. “Touch is weird for me. You know that already, I guess. There will probably be times I don’t want to be touched at all, even by you. And there are places on my body I’ll probably never want to be touched. I can’t explain why. It’s not for any reason, really.”

“You don’t need a reason,” Casey said, then kissed behind Landon’s ear. “You can always tell me not to do something. And if you ever want to try something that was off the table before, that’s cool too.”

Landon rolled to face him. “You wouldn’t mind if we never...fucked?”

Casey’s eyes looked a little dazed, but he recovered. “I won’t mind. I...” He blew out a breath. “Sorry. Hearing you say ‘fucked’ kind of fried something in me. But for real, I’m happy doing whatever with you. To be honest, anal isn’t my favorite thing either. Too much work. Like, don’t get me wrong, I love getting fucked when I’m in the right mood, but I’ve got toys.”

“Oh,” Landon said, suddenly dazed himself.

“You could watch,” Casey offered, “next time I fuck myself with one.”

Landon swallowed. “I’d like that, I think.”

“Fuck yeah, you would. I’d put on a show.”

Landon could imagine it, Casey on display, fucking himself with a dildo while Landon was fully clothed and just watching. No pressure to touch or be touched. It sounded ideal, actually. “And that would be okay with you? If I just watched you and didn’t want to be touched sometimes?”

“Uh, yeah. I’d fucking love it. I’m kind of a showoff.”

Landon’s dick was surprisingly interested in all of this, especially considering everything Landon had just said. Casey seemed to notice the change in his expression, because he said, “You want me to get one of my toys right now?”

“No,” Landon said, meaning it. “I just want to stay like this for a while.” He slid a palm along Casey’s side and rested it on his hip.

“You’re so sexy,” Casey said, his voice husky with sleep and lust. “Love being with you, however you want. Just want to make you feel good.”

“You do.” Casey made Landon feel good in every way, far beyond physical pleasure. Casey lit Landon up, filling all his dark caverns with sunshine. He made him happy in a way that Landon had forgotten was possible.

“Can I kiss you?” Casey asked.

Landon answered by closing the gap and kissing him, morning breath be damned. They kissed for a long time, hands exploring lazily. Eventually, Landon realized he’d been absently rubbing his erection against Casey’s thigh, and that Casey was doing the same to him.

God, it was easy. Sex could just be something that happened if they both felt like doing it. There didn’t need to be pressure or expectations. Landon knew he could choose to stop right now, or keep going until they both climaxed, and Casey wouldn’t mind either way. Landon wasn’t embarrassed or scared, because this felt right. And in that moment, it was something he wanted.

Casey moaned into his mouth, which made Landon pick up the pace. He crawled on top of Casey, still kissing him, still thrusting, welcoming the exhilarating tension that was building inside him.

“Fuck, Landon. You’re so hot. Wanna do this all day.”

Landon did too. He wanted to stay in this bed all day, kissing and touching and learning each other’s bodies, and listen to Casey call him sexy. He wanted to gaze at Casey’s face without having to pretend he wasn’t. He wanted—

Something clattered downstairs, startling Landon, and then he heard Mom say, “Oh, shoot.”