Page 104 of Time to Shine

“That was so fucking hot,” Casey said.

Landon barely managed to stop himself from collapsing on him, catching himself with a hand on the mattress as he leaned down to kiss Casey. “Thank you,” he murmured between kisses.

“Literally any time.”

Eventually, Landon flopped on his back beside Casey, giving himself a moment to catch his breath.

“That was so good,” Casey said.


“Just wondering, do you always come like a fire hose or what?”

Landon glared at him. “It’s a normal amount. Shut up.”

Casey waved a hand over his own chest and stomach and, oh, his neck. “No, dude. This is a fucking monsoon.”

Landon left the bed before Casey could notice him blushing. “I’ll get you a cloth if you promise to stop talking about it.”

“I might need two or three.”

“Oh my god.” He walked toward the bathroom.

“Hey,” Casey called after him. Landon paused and turned, then everything went fuzzy when he saw Casey lazily dragging his fingers through the fluid on his chest. His cock was hard again, resting on his stomach. Casey smiled at him, looking relaxed and so fucking sexy. “I’m really happy right now. Don’t be embarrassed, okay?”

“Okay,” Landon managed. He’d done that. He’d made Casey look that wrecked and messy and turned on. He’d made Casey come, and then he’d made him want more.

He carried these thoughts to the bathroom, and tried to sort through them as he cleaned himself up and wet a cloth (one was surely enough) for Casey. He’d never thought of himself as a sexual being, but he liked how powerful he felt right now. He liked that he could be sexy, when he wanted to be. That he could make Casey feel good, and give him what he needed.

When he returned to the bedroom, Casey’s eyes were closed. He was still smiling, though, and still hard. Landon decided to wash him himself, rather than hand Casey the cloth. He was careful and thorough as he removed the traces of himself from Casey’s skin. When he finished, he stared at Casey’s erection, wondering what the etiquette was here.

“Don’t worry about that guy,” Casey said sleepily. “He’ll chill out eventually.”

Landon was relieved to hear it. He was exhausted. “You sure?”

“Oh yeah. I’m half-hard most of the time. I can’t let this guy boss me around or else I’d never stop jerking off.”

That image. “Oh.”

“Woulda had to whip it out after that poke check you made, right there in the middle of a game.”

Landon choked on a laugh. “Fuck off.”

“No lie, Stacks. I was at half-mast for the rest of that period. It was distracting.”

“Don’t make me worry about that when I’m trying to make saves.”

Casey laughed, then looped an arm around Landon’s neck, pulling him down for a kiss. “Don’t worry about it. It’s a me problem, anyway.”

“So I’m a problem?”

“Best problem I ever had.”

Chapter Thirty-Two

The next morning, Landon woke with Casey wrapped around his back like a cuddly squid. It was the sort of thing Landon never would have expected to be comfortable with, but it made him deliriously happy. Everything about Casey made him deliriously happy.

God. Last night had been unexpected and perfect. Yes, he’d been scared, and yes, he was still anxious and unsure about the whole sex thing, but Casey had been so patient and had made Landon relax enough to enjoy himself. There had never been anyone Landon had trusted enough to relax that way. To experience pleasure in being touched, and in being watched. In sharing something intimate with another person. Casey had made it easy. Or, easier, at least.