Page 84 of Role Model

“Was I obvious?”

Harris didn’t think he’d ever forget the hungry way Troy had been staring at his lips back in the bar. And he didn’t think he’d ever get used to Troy frigging Barrett wanting him. “A little.”

“Well, if I’m being honest, I still want to kiss you.”

Harris stopped walking and turned to face him. “Yeah?”

A car drove by, and Troy stepped away from him. “I’ll wait.”

Harris tried not to feel disappointed. Was he really expecting Troy to kiss him on a busy street, right outside a bar that was full of his teammates? That wouldn’t be good for either of them.

“I parked at home and walked here,” Harris said.

“Me too.”

“Should we go to your place then? We’re close to both.”

Troy chewed his lip. “Let’s go to your place, if that’s okay.”


Troy’s mouth curved into one of his rare and adorable little smiles. “I’ve been wanting to see where you live.”

That warmed Harris. “It’s not a palace, but I like it.”

Snow was falling all around them, gentle but fluffy enough to pile up on the sidewalk. It was a beautiful, quiet night. Once they turned onto Harris’s street, they were the only ones around. Harris took a chance and reached for Troy’s hand. He was thrilled when Troy tangled his gloved fingers with Harris’s without hesitation.

He was surprised, a minute later, when Troy tugged on their joined hands, pulling Harris close, and then kissed him. It was quick, and not exactly passionate, but it was so sweet and unexpected that Harris thought his legs might melt.

“That was cute,” Harris said when they resumed walking.

“I can be cute.”

“Is that how you imagined kissing me, back in the bar?”

“No. I’m waiting until we’re behind a locked door for that.” Troy’s low voice was full of filthy promise, and Harris picked up the pace.

Finally they were at Harris’s front door, and he managed to remember how to use a key despite the way Troy kept touching him. His fingers were gently brushing along Harris’s nape, then he kissed under Harris’s ear.

“Can’t wait,” Troy said in a low voice. “Been thinking about this so much.”


Troy nudged his crotch against Harris’s ass, letting him feel how turned on he was. “Mm. Open the door.”

Harris shoved the door open, hauled Troy through, and was immediately pinned against it as soon as it was closed again. Troy took his mouth the way they both wanted, hard and possessive and hungry. Harris moaned and went boneless against the door, letting Troy hold him up with a knee between Harris’s thighs, a hand on the back of his neck, and another on his hip.

“You taste like apples,” Troy murmured against his lips.

“Cider,” Harris rasped.

Troy dived in again, kissing him more slowly this time, as if savoring the taste. Harris was in heaven. If he could just stay here, exploring the slick velvety heat of Troy’s mouth with his solid body pressing against him, he’d be happy for the rest of his life.

Except his erection was grinding against Troy’s enormous thigh, adding some urgency to the situation. They needed to get to the bedroom.

“We should—” Harris tried.

“I know.” Troy dropped to his knees and practically ripped open Harris’s fly.