Page 127 of Role Model

“Then I’d better make it a good one.”

Troy placed a firm hand on Harris’s back, dipped him slightly, and went for it.

Everyone whooped and clapped around them, as Troy kissed Harris like he’d just returned from the war. Harris did his best to return it, and not just get swept away. He was so fucking proud of Troy, and still more than a little overwhelmed that somehow Troy thought Harris was worth all this upheaval. That he wanted to be with Harris enough to face his deepest fears.

When they broke apart, Troy straightened and waved awkwardly at his rowdy teammates.

“Way to go, Harris!” Bood yelled.

Harris knew he was blushing, but he also couldn’t stop smiling. “See you later?” he asked Troy.

“If these guys ever stop making fun of me, yeah.”

He said it as if he was annoyed, but Troy’s smile and misty eyes said he was anything but.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Troy was getting used to waking up next to Harris’s warm, naked body. Whether they were at Harris’s place or Troy’s, greeting the day with gentle, sleepy kisses while bundled comfortably in sheets that smelled like last night’s sex had quickly become Troy’s favorite thing in the world.

This morning, when his eyes fluttered open, he found Harris sitting up, and grinning at his phone. For a moment, Troy just watched him, his heart swelling with affection.

“What is it?” Troy finally asked in a raspy voice.

“Bood and Cassie had their baby last night. A boy. They named him Milo.”

“That’s awesome. Cute name.” He kissed Harris’s elbow, because it was there.

“No pictures yet, but I can’t wait.” He typed something.

“Are you talking to Bood?”

“No, Wyatt.”

“Ah.” Troy kissed a path down Harris’s flank, then nibbled his sensitive hip bone, making him squirm.

“What are you up to down there?”

In reply, Troy took Harris’s soft dick in his mouth.

Harris inhaled sharply, and put his phone on the nightstand.

Some amount of time later, they were both sated and tangled up together. Troy never wanted to leave the bed.


“Shit. What time is it?”

Harris grabbed his phone. “Quarter to ten.”

“Fuck!” Troy scrambled out of bed. “I have a video meeting at ten! I’m fucked.”

“Whoops. Sorry. You want me to write you a note?”

Troy didn’t bother answering that. He didn’t have time. He brushed his teeth, splashed some water on his face and threw some sweats on. Harris met him at the door wearing only boxer briefs as Troy shoved his boots on.

“Not going to work yet?” Troy asked.

“No, I have an appointment with my doctor today. I’ll work from home. You mind if I let myself out later?”