Page 125 of Role Model

“Aw.” Wyatt rubbed Chiron’s back. “We love you anyway, buddy. I sucked at school too.”

“What will happen to him?” Ilya asked.

Harris couldn’t help but smile at Ilya’s concern. “Nothing bad. He’s still going to be the official team dog, but he’ll need a home away from the arena.”

“You will adopt him.” Ilya didn’t make it sound like a suggestion.

Harris let out a startled laugh. “Well, maybe. I mean, I was thinking maybe that would be a good idea. Then I could bring him to work with me and you guys could see him all the time.” And, Harris added privately, Troy would get to cuddle him at home, and join Harris on walks with him, and maybe one day they’d get a house in the country with a big yard...

He’d gotten way ahead of himself with his fantasizing when he’d first learned about Chiron not making the therapy dog cut. For now, he had to be realistic about his small apartment and this very large dog, but he’d probably be able to bring Chiron to work every day, and he could bring him out to the farm all the time, if he got along well with the other dogs. And he’d bet Ilya wouldn’t mind having Chiron hang out at his giant house sometimes.

Ilya smiled at Chiron. “You are going to be the happiest dog ever.”

Harris would make sure of it.

At that moment, Troy emerged from a back room, but he was still wearing some of his gear. Not much of it. Just a few select pieces that, combined with Troy’s exposed skin and sweat-slicked muscles, basically made him a walking fantasy.

He was wearing his jock and garters, but the socks and shin guards had been removed, leaving his muscular legs bare. His skin-tight performance T-shirt was rucked up just above his belly button, and he still had his elbow pads on, which was weird, but Harris was extremely into it.

“Troy.” Harris realized he’d said the name as if Troy was a magical being who he had only before seen in dreams. He forced himself to snap out of it. “Hi.”

“Hey. I didn’t know you were here.”

Harris could not stop staring. He knew it. And he knew Troy, Ilya, and Wyatt probably noticed. But he could not. Stop. Staring.

“Um,” Troy said. He ran a hand through his damp hair, pushing it back off his forehead. “Are you, uh...” He glanced down. “Oh. You brought Chiron.”

“Harris is Chiron’s new dad,” Ilya said.

“What do you mean?” Troy asked.

“Um.” Harris had planned to surprise Troy with this announcement later but, well, Ilya. “I think I might adopt Chiron. He’s not going to be a therapy dog, but he’s still the team dog, and, uh...” Jesus, Troy looked like an amalgam of Harris’s entire jock fantasy porn playlist.

“He’s big now,” Troy said.


Then Troy smiled at him, seeming to notice the effect his appearance was having on Harris. He nodded in the direction of his stall, then walked toward it. Harris followed helplessly.

Troy’s garter straps were hanging loose and bouncing off his massive thighs as he walked. He had fancy athletic underwear on under the jock that looked like little black booty shorts. They clung to every inch of his ass, showing off the ripple of his muscles.

When they got to his stall, Troy said, “You’re really adopting Chiron? That’s awesome.”

“I thought you’d like that.” Harris stepped close, and fought the urge to put his hands on Troy’s chest. “This is completely unfair,” he murmured.


“This!” Harris waved a hand over Troy’s body. “Tell me you have a spare jock at home.”

Troy smiled wickedly. “Why? You got a fetish for hockey gear?”

“Uh, yeah.” Harris said it like it was obvious. “Like, you have no idea. Look!” He gestured toward the bulge that had appeared in his jeans.

Troy looked, and when he met Harris’s gaze again, his eyes were dark and full of heat. “This is interesting.”

Harris felt hot everywhere. “It’s just a fantasy or whatever. You don’t have to make a big deal about it.”

Troy’s gaze dropped back to Harris’s crotch. “Looks like I already did.”