“I like him,” Harris’s mom whispered to him when they were alone in the kitchen.
He smiled as he sliced the Dutch apple pie he’d made. “Who? Troy?”
She swatted his arm. “Of course Troy. He’s quiet, but he’s very polite. And he can’t take his eyes off you.”
Warmth bloomed in his belly. “Come on.”
Troy hadn’t said much during the meal, but it had barely been noticeable because everyone else—besides Josh—talked so much. He’d eaten heartily, though, and complimented the food, so everyone was charmed by him.
“He’s nuts about you. It’s very cute.”
“Well,” Harris said slowly. “I’m pretty nuts about him. I know it’s new, but I think—”
Troy’s deep voice cut him off. “Can I help?”
They both turned toward the kitchen entrance, where Troy was standing. His expression was blank, so Harris had no idea if he’d heard any of the conversation.
“Good idea,” Mom said cheerfully. “You help Harris with the pie, and I’ll...” She didn’t even bother inventing a task that she needed to do before darting out of the kitchen.
“Still can’t believe you made this,” Troy said, moving to stand beside Harris.
“Old family recipe.”
“I can barely cook anything.”
Harris smiled. “I know.”
Troy’s hip brushed Harris’s, and Harris leaned into it, relishing the contact, however chaste.
“How can I help?” Troy’s lips were close enough that Harris felt his breath tickling his ear.
“You can, um.” Harris couldn’t even remember what they were supposed to be doing, and now his dick had other ideas.
Right. Pie.
“Hold the plates, and I’ll put pie on each of them.”
They worked quickly and silently as Harris tried to will his erection away. He couldn’t go to the dinner table with it.
Sheesh. He couldn’t even plate dessert with Troy without getting all hot and bothered. This honeymoon phase was going to be a wild ride.
“Hell yes,” Anna said when Harris returned to the dining room. “Pie!”
It took a few minutes, but eventually pie had been distributed to all eight people around the dining table. Harris’s sisters and their husbands had been eyeing Troy curiously all night. He knew Margot for sure was silently evaluating her brother’s new boyfriend.
“So you’re the guy from the skunk story?” Troy asked Anna’s husband, Mike.
Mike laughed. “Yep, that’s me.”
Anna scowled at Harris. “Jesus, Harris. Could you stop telling everyone in the world that story?”
“Would you?”
“Do you finally admit that you’re the one who put the skunk in the truck when you tell the story, at least?”
Harris gasped. “I can’t believe you think so little of your adoring baby brother.”