Page 104 of Role Model

“You found me,” Harris said.

“I said I would.”

Then he placed a hand on Harris’s cheek, tilted his head, and kissed him. Full on the mouth. With people all around them.

And suddenly, there was no one around them. At least not as far as Harris was concerned. All that existed in the world was the firm, warm press of Troy’s lips against his own, and the slow, gentle tangle of their tongues.

Troy began to pull away, but Harris nipped at his bottom lip, pulling him back in for another long, luxurious kiss.

“Wow,” Harris said, dazed, when they finally broke for air. He hadn’t been expecting anything like this when he’d invited Troy out tonight. He hadn’t expected, but he’d hoped. “What was that all about?”

“I don’t know. I’ve been wanting to do it all night, and—” Troy’s smile was wider and brighter than Harris had ever seen it, and his eyes shone with an excited energy. “I don’t do things I want to do very often. I like kissing you.”

“Oh,” Harris said. “Good.”

Troy was still cradling Harris’s face. “Come home with me?”

“Okay,” Harris said, still light-headed from the kiss.

Then Troy kissed him again. It was quick, but sweet because he was still smiling.

“Sorry,” Troy said. “Last one, I promise.”

“I hope not.” Harris took his hand. “Let’s get our coats.”

Chapter Twenty-One

“Your place is nice,” Harris said breathlessly as Troy pressed him against a wall.

“It’s boring. And it’s not mine.” Troy kissed him, hard and possessive and perfect.

Harris couldn’t argue, both because his mouth was full of Troy’s tongue, and because the apartment really was boring. It was basically an extra-large hotel room.

But it probably had a bed, and that was all Harris was interested in at the moment. He’d been fired up since Troy had first held his hand at the club, the gesture unexpected and exhilarating. Then there’d been the kiss on the cheek, which was such a small, silly thing, but Harris knew it hadn’t been either of those things for Troy.

And then there’d been the real kisses. Hungry, like this one was, as if they contained every secret longing Troy had ever had. As if he’d forced them down for so long that the pressure had become too great and now they were erupting out of him, hot and messy and potentially devastating.

Eventually, they made it to the bedroom, and Troy immediately began removing his own clothing. He opened just enough buttons to haul his shirt over his head, taking the undershirt with it. Harris was enjoying the show so much he forgot to get himself undressed.

“Come on,” Troy said, already fully naked. “Off. Wanna see you.”

Harris started unbuttoning his own shirt, but he wasn’t fast enough for Troy, who stepped close to help. In seconds, all of Harris’s clothing was in a pile on the floor, and he was back in Troy’s arms, being kissed like he would evaporate if Troy stopped.

“You want me to fuck you again?” Troy asked. “Like last time?”

Harris shuddered happily thinking about it. “Yeah. Just like last time. If that’s what you want.”

“It’s exactly what I want.”

Harris was shoved backward on the bed, Troy looming over him. Harris gazed up in amazement at his hard, beautiful body and his intense eyes, bringing to life every fantasy of being ravaged by a jock that Harris had ever had.

“Jesus,” Harris said on an exhale. “You can’t be real.”

Troy gripped his own rigid cock and slowly guided it toward Harris’s lips. “Is this real?”

Harris took him eagerly into his mouth, moaning at the first taste of him. Troy straddled his thighs as Harris propped himself up on his elbows—a little awkward and slightly uncomfortable, but for some reason it only made it hotter. Like they couldn’t even wait to get in a position that made sense. Harris certainly didn’t feel like moving.

He couldn’t take him deep like this, so he focused on the sensitive head of Troy’s cock, flicking his tongue and probing the slit. Troy swore through gritted teeth, and Harris could see the tension in his muscles as he fought to hold still.