“Seriously, though? I didn’t hurt you?”
Harris sat up. “I promise you didn’t. I loved it.”
“Okay.” Harris’s dick was even cuter when it was soft. “Do you want me to leave?” Troy really hoped not, because he was crashing hard.
“No! Of course not. Stay.”
“Good. Thanks.” Troy tossed the facecloth into the laundry hamper in the corner. Harris pulled back the blankets in invitation, and they both got under them. Several pillows tumbled to the floor as the two men got comfortable.
“I can’t believe you thought I was gonna kick you out,” Harris scolded.
“I didn’t want to assume.”
“What happened to going all night, stud? Isn’t that what you said?”
“Fuck off,” Troy murmured sleepily. He was struggling to keep his eyes open.
“A few rounds. That’s what you said.”
Troy closed his eyes. “Jus’ gimme a second,” he slurred.
Harris laughed, then turned off the lamp. A moment later, he snuggled against Troy, warm and soft and very welcome. Troy wrapped an arm around him, pulling him close so they could spoon together. Troy was pretty sure there was a throw pillow or something under him, but he didn’t care. He was more comfortable than he’d ever been in his life.
“Good night,” Harris said.
“Yeah,” Troy agreed.
Chapter Eighteen
Troy woke up late the next morning feeling well rested and perfectly comfortable.
“What the fuck am I lying on?” He reached under his back and pulled out what appeared to be an extremely battered and worn-out stuffed...giraffe?
“Oh,” Harris said, reaching for it. “That’s Mr. Neck-Neck.”
Troy held it away from him, examining the well-loved toy. “Jeez. Mr. Neck-Neck has been through it.”
“Yeah,” Harris said, dropping his hand. “I’ve had him since I was a baby. We used to be inseparable.”
“He was comforting, y’know, when I was... Well, I was in the hospital a lot as a kid. And as an adult, I guess, but mostly as a kid.”
Troy turned on his side so they could face each other. “You wanna talk about it?”
“Sure. Why not?” Harris frowned, and Troy held his breath. He was terrified that Harris was about to tell him he had a month to live or something. “I was born with a heart defect. It’s called truncus arteriosus, but basically my arteries were all fucked up, and I’ve gotten a few operations over the years to sort it out. The most recent one was three years ago.”
“Jesus.” It seemed so wrong, for someone as warm and loving as Harris to have anything wrong with his heart. “I’m sorry. How are you now?”
“Fine.” Harris said it quickly, automatically, the way someone would who had been asked about his health far too many times. “Really, I’m good. I get it checked by doctors all the time. But that’s why I never played hockey as a kid. I probably could have, but my parents were worried. I don’t blame them.”
Troy couldn’t blame them either, because even now he wanted to wrap Harris in a blanket and keep him safe. But Harris would hate that, so instead he handed Harris his stuffed giraffe. “I’m glad you have good doctors. And good parents. And Mr. Neck-Neck.”
Harris laughed. “Mr. Neck-Neck was with me through thick and thin. He’s true blue.”
“I’m sorry he had to witness what we did last night. Um. On top of him.” Troy propped himself up on an elbow and grinned. “Was that a threesome, technically?”