Page 69 of Role Model

For a minute, they stayed where they were, Troy braced over Harris, both men breathing hard. Then Troy blew out a breath and flopped onto his back beside Harris.

“Holy shit,” Troy said. “I fucking needed that.”

“Me too, buddy.” Harris should have had the foresight to lift his own T-shirt out of the way, because now the cotton was soaked with their mingled releases. He couldn’t be mad about it.

After a couple of minutes, Troy left the bed and went into the bathroom. Harris scrubbed a hand over his face as the reality of what they’d just done started to set in. He never would have predicted this happening in a million years, and now that it had he felt a bit anxious. He hoped they hadn’t just fucked up their fledgling friendship, because he really liked Troy.

He turned on the lamp and looked down at himself. When he saw the state of his T-shirt, he started laughing.

“What?” Troy asked, returning from the bathroom.

“Nothing. I’m a mess, is all.” Harris waved a hand over his shirtfront.

“Oh. Sorry.”

“It’s at least half my fault,” Harris joked.

He couldn’t read Troy’s expression, but he seemed...uneasy. Harris knew they needed to talk, but sleep was probably more important. “I’ll get cleaned up, then we should get some sleep.”

“Right, um.”

“You can still stay here. If you want.”

Troy’s face relaxed a bit. “Okay.”

Harris grabbed a clean shirt from his suitcase and headed into the bathroom. He was self-conscious about baring his chest, so he changed in private. When he returned to the bed, Troy was already under the covers, facing him. Harris crawled in beside him, but kept some distance between their bodies.

“That wasn’t my plan,” Troy said, “when I came to your room. I wasn’t expecting...that.”

Harris smiled. “Me neither. But, um, thanks. It helped.”

Troy yawned, which made Harris laugh and Troy smile slightly. “Yeah.”

He closed his eyes, and Harris allowed himself a moment to admire his handsome, peaceful face, before turning off the light.

Chapter Fifteen

Troy woke up first.

For a few wonderful moments, while his brain was still foggy with sleep, he was happy. He had Harris’s warm, solid bulk under his arm, and when he inhaled, he smelled apples.

Then reality set in.

He shouldn’t be in Harris’s bed, and he certainly shouldn’t have rubbed off on Harris last night. Shouldn’t have kissed him, shouldn’t have thrust into their joined hands. Shouldn’t have soaked Harris’s shirt with his release.

Troy was a monster. Harris was so good and sweet, and Troy kept feeding from him like a vampire.

Fuck, the things Troy wanted to do to him. He wanted to absolutely take him apart, but then he wanted Harris to be there for him when it was over. Comforting him. Caring about him.

Troy was so fucking selfish.

He nuzzled into Harris’s thick hair, breathing him in. Trying to memorize everything about this perfect moment before he forced himself to leave.

Harris let out a long, content sigh and wiggled slightly against him. His ass nudged Troy’s morning wood, causing a soft moan to escape.

“G’morning,” Harris slurred sleepily.

Troy jerked his hips away from him. “Hi.”