“They’re wrong.”
Harris laughed, and gestured to where Chiron was still attacking Troy’s skates. “Chiron has his own Twitter account now.”
“Do you manage that too?”
“I share it with his trainer, Hannah. And with Chiron, of course.”
Not even a fraction of a smile from Troy for that. His bottom lip was absurdly plump and luscious. Maybe the sharpness of the rest of his features made it seem softer by contrast. High, prominent cheekbones divided like an icebreaker by a narrow, straight nose. Severe sapphire eyes that glinted beneath heavy, dark brows. He looked menacing, or possibly even cruel, but that plush lip, like his secret, soft smile, hinted at the possibility of sweetness.
Or maybe Harris was imagining things. It wouldn’t be the first time.
He wasn’t imagining the deep lines under Troy’s eyes, like he hadn’t slept in days. Or weeks. He doubted Troy would want him to mention that, so instead Harris said, “You gonna check out that building Wyatt and Lisa told you about?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
“Cool. It’s not too far from me, actually.”
“Oh.” Troy did not seem to be excited about that news, which Harris tried not to be disappointed by. He wasn’t sure what he’d been hoping for. Did he expect Troy to invite him over to watch movies or something?
Maybe Troy needed someone to watch movies with.
“If you want someone to show you the neighborho—”
“I’m gonna hit the ice,” Troy interrupted. “I’ll see you later.”
Okay then.
“Come on, Chiron,” Harris sighed. “Let’s go to my office while the men do their important hockey stuff.”
Troy knocked on Harris’s office door, and didn’t have to wait even a second before Harris called out for him to come in.
“It’s just me.” Troy held up the paper coffee cup he was carrying. “It’s not Starbucks, but it’s from the espresso maker in the player’s lounge. It’s a latte.”
Harris looked stunned, but he smiled and waved Troy over. Chiron was asleep on the floor next to Harris’s feet. “You made me a latte?”
“I hope so. I’ve never used that thing before.” He placed the cup on Harris’s desk, then realized he had no idea what his next move was. He didn’t know what had compelled him to come here, except the best he’d felt in ages had been in Harris’s office, watching him eat cake pops.
Harris took a sip. “You did good. That’s definitely a latte. Thanks.”
Troy felt absurdly thrilled by Harris’s validation. “I’m sorry I was a dick to you in the locker room. When you offered to show me around. I—” He didn’t know how to finish the sentence, so he stopped talking.
Harris waited for a moment, then said, “We should probably stop this cycle.”
“You feeling bad about something you said to me, then showing up at my office to apologize. I don’t mind the coffee deliveries, though.” He pointed to a chair against the wall. “Bring that over. Sit. Unless you have somewhere to be.”
Troy really didn’t. He dragged the chair to the end of Harris’s desk and sat. He wished he’d brought a coffee for himself, just to have something to occupy his hands.
As if reading his mind, Chiron lifted his head and immediately pushed to his feet when he noticed Troy. He trotted over, tail wagging.
“Can I pick him up?” Troy asked.
“I think he’ll be sad if you don’t.”
Troy lifted the puppy onto his lap and scratched his ridiculously soft ears. He could see the appeal of owning a dog. It would be easy to become hooked on this level of adoration.
“What are you working on?” Troy asked.