Page 135 of Role Model

But Harris was smiling. “Forget about the flowers. Go!”

Troy ran out of the locker room as fast as he could in the slide sandals he’d put on after removing his skates. He was still wearing half of his gear, and was drenched in sweat, but if his mom was really here, he was going to hug her and she was going to have to deal with it.

He rounded a corner and spotted her near the security desk, almost exactly where his dad had been standing that morning. Charlie was standing beside her, but stepped back when he saw Troy coming.

“Mom!” Troy cried out. And then she was in his gross, sweaty arms, her head tucked under his chin. He was probably holding her too tight, and parts of his gear were likely digging into her, but he couldn’t let go.

For a long moment, neither of them said anything. Then they broke apart and Troy said, “How are you here? When did you get here? Why didn’t you tell me?”

She laughed. “We wanted to surprise you. When you told me you were planning to come out before this game, I decided I had to be here. So we flew home, and then here.”

“Why didn’t you tell me, though? I could have gotten you tickets, I could have—”

“We got our own tickets, and we saw the whole game. I knew you had a lot going on before the game and I didn’t want to add to it.”

Troy hugged her again. “I’m so glad you’re here. Oh my god, I’ve missed you.”

“Me too.” When he released her this time, she said, “I think we’re done traveling. We might hang out in Ottawa for a while.”

“Really? That’s awesome! I’ll get you tickets for every game, if you want. Playoffs too. We’re going to the playoffs!”

“I know!” She craned her neck and peered over Troy’s shoulder. “Is that your man back there?”

Troy turned and saw Harris, waving sheepishly at them. Troy waved him over. “Harris, this is my mom, Julia, and her boyfriend, Charlie. Good to see you again, Charlie, by the way.”

“You too,” Charlie said, stepping forward and shaking Troy’s hand. “It was a great game and a really nice ceremony before.”

Harris greeted everyone and shook their hands. Or tried to—Mom wrapped him in a hug, which Harris didn’t seem to mind at all.

“I am so happy to meet you, Harris,” Mom said. “Thank you for making my son smile again.”

“Mom,” Troy protested, but it was weakened by the fact that he was, in fact, smiling.

“My pleasure,” Harris said. “I like his smile.”

“They’re staying in Ottawa for a while,” Troy said.

“That’s great. Are you staying with Troy?” Harris asked. “I can leave you three alone tonight so you can catch up.”

“No way,” Mom said. “We’re not here to intrude. We’ve got a hotel for now.”

As thrilled as Troy was to see his mom, he was relieved to hear her say that. He really needed to be with Harris tonight.

“I need to shower and stuff,” Troy said. “And then, honestly, I’m probably going to need to crash. But let’s meet up tomorrow morning for breakfast.”

There was another round of hugs and handshakes, and then Mom and Charlie left.

“Today really was like a Disney movie,” Troy said as he watched them walk away.

Harris took his hand. “It was amazing. And I have a great idea for an ending.”

“That sounds like a different kind of movie.”

“There isn’t a Disney movie where the prince’s boyfriend rims him until he begs to be fucked?”

Troy huffed. “I don’t know. I don’t watch Disney movies.”

Harris snapped his fingers. “101 Dalmatians. That’s the one I’m thinking of.”