“Yes, but it’s good. We’re taking it slow. We’re getting to know each other as a potential couple.”

“Couple huh?”

“Yes. We’re going to have a trial date and see how it goes. He asked me to go with him to the Festival of Trees for our first official date.”

“Not the sexiest venture, but I’ll take it. Crowded, so he can’t whisk you off into a corner and have his way with you.”

“Honestly, although I was extremely not okay tapping the brakes last night, I’m glad we didn’t jump into bed. I’m still not sure we’re doing the right thing.”

“Why?” Gabby grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. “You are gonna drive me insane. Say it with me. You and Nick are perfect together.”

Noel placed her hands on Gabby’s shoulders and shook her back. “Nick wants marriage and kids and I don’t. Doesn’t sound too perfect.”

“Yeah, but…do you actually not want the apple pie, white picket fence life? Or are you scared of wanting it and losing it?”

Noel bit her lip. “If you’d asked me six months ago, I would have lied and told you I never wanted that life, but lately, watching you with your mom, planning your wedding…it’s brought back memories of my parents. The life they wanted for me.” The life Noel once wanted for herself, if she was being honest. “I think the hardest part about finding someone special is that they won’t be with me. All these major events and I’ll have no one in my corner to celebrate with.”

“Baby, that’s just not true.” Gabby took both her hands and squeezed. “If you decide you want to marry Nick, I will be right where you’re sitting, helping you plan for your special day. And the Winterses adore you. You can’t tell me they wouldn’t jump into the fray. And the whole time, your parents will be watching over you and thinking how happy they are you found your person.”

“And if you decide to have kids, you’ll have the very best godmother in me. I’ll spoil ’em rotten and give ’em back to you hyped up on Pixie sticks.”

Noel wiped the back of one hand over her wet eyes, sniffling. What Gabby was describing sounded pretty great to Noel actually. Especially the kids part. Imagining a little boy who looked like Nick? A baby girl with her daddy’s brown eyes and kind soul? Victoria and Chris would make amazing grandparents and Nick’s sisters would be the best aunts ever.

The question was, could Noel open herself up after denying the desire for so long? Could she still be a good mom? Or was she too stifled to give Nick what he needed? What she’d always wanted, once upon a time?

Noel got up and grabbed a tissue from the box on the armoire, blowing her nose loudly. “Stop making me cry. This is supposed to be about you, not me.”

“I know, but before we make me the center of the universe, back to, um, you know…third base. Would that be you on him or him on you?”

Noel bit her lip as she sat back down. “Him on me.”

“And…” Noel cried out when Gabby slapped her knee. “Woman, it’s like pulling teeth with you! Details!”

“I’m sorry I’m not used to giving a play-by-play of my orgasms.”

“So you’re saying climax was achieved.” Gabby filled another drawstring bag, nodding in approval. “Hmmm, this is good. This is promising.”

“You’re being a creeper. Stop.”

The front door shut and they both quieted. Amber breezed through the doorway, slipping off her pink, puffy coat with a sly smile. “Hi, guys. I guess you didn’t hear me knock with all this riveting conversation.”

Noel wiped any emotional evidence away. The last thing she wanted was Amber seeing her in a weak moment. How long had she been standing inside the house listening and neither one of them had heard her?

“Pull up a chair, Amber,” Gabby said cheerfully. “We’re working on favors.”

“And talking about boys.” Amber hung her jacket over the back of her chair and sat down. “You know, Noel, if you need any advice about Nick, just ask. I know all the little tricks he likes.”

“Amber…” Gabby growled.

Noel nearly crushed the bag of candies in her hand. “Thanks. I think we’ll be okay.”

“Oh, I’m sure you will.” Amber picked up a bag and poured in some candies. “It’s hard being in a relationship, though. So many things to consider, especially with the state of marriage and how easily romances fall apart. You have to possess that certain something to be the marrying kind. Some women have it.” Amber glanced pointedly at Noel. “Others don’t.”

“Let’s talk about something else,” Gabby said, always the peacemaker.

“Hey, Amber, I meant to ask you. That white halter top you have. Can I borrow it?” Amber’s eyes narrowed when Noel smirked. “It’s just so cute.”

“I’d say yes, but I had a little accident with a tube of red lipstick. Can’t get the stain out.”