“Bullshit.” Suddenly, Gabby’s lip curled in distaste and she sat back. “Ew, you didn’t get back with Trip, did you? I know you two had that dinner last night, but come on. He is a narcissist.”

“No! Absolutely not. You are completely right about him being self-involved. He invited me to dinner because he wanted money for his new microbrewery.”

Gabby’s jaw dropped. “Trip asked you for money? What a fucking tool!”

“Gabriella Ester Montoya!” Eleanor came into the room from the kitchen, glaring at her daughter. “I don’t ever want to hear you use that language again.”

“Mom, I’m an adult. I can say curse words.”

“Not in my house, you can’t!” Eleanor winked at Noel. “You hear her use it again, you smack her for me.”

“Will do.”

Eleanor walked back into the kitchen and missed Gabby rolling her eyes. “I swear, I feel like a kid being here. She is such a pain in my a…” Gabby glanced toward the door and sighed. “Butt.”

Noel’s chest tightened. “Yeah, but when she isn’t around anymore, you’ll miss her like crazy.”

Gabby’s face fell. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way.”

Noel immediately regretted her soft reprimand. “It’s all right, Gabs. You should be able to vent to me about your frustrations with your parents. What are friends for? I’m just a little sensitive right now.”

An awkward silence stretched between them before Gabby got her pep back. “Back to Trip…what did you do when he asked you for money?”

“I took my food to go, ditched him at the restaurant with the bill, and then hid out in Nick’s apartment when Trip showed up at mine all pissed off. It was glorious.”

“Oh…” Gabby nodded, a sly smile on her face. “I get it. So is Nick the reason you’re all twitterpated?”

“Maybe,” Noel said, coyly.

Gabby set her baggy down with a squeal. “Seriously? Something else happened and you were holding out on me?”

“I am still digesting our…” Noel glanced toward the door and whispered, “Near sex experience.”

“Oh my God!” Gabby’s voice rose two octaves. “You have been here for over an hour and you are just bringing this up? I could kill you!”

Noel leaned across the table. “Then I won’t tell you how it was interrupted when his parents showed up.”

“No! Cockblocked by his parents?”

“Gabriella!” Her mother hollered from the kitchen.

“Sorry, Mom!” Gabby resorted to hushed tones. “Was it hot?”

“So hot. I get goosebumps when I think about it.”

“Oh, those are the best! Every time Drew kisses me, I feel like I’m going to explode.” Gabby cocked her head. “When you say near sex…”

“Rounding home when they came a knocking.”

Gabby groaned. “Girl, I would have died! What happened after his parents left? You didn’t go in for the big finish?”

“Nope. We ate dinner, played two truths and a lie and then…”

“Yes?” Gabby urged, eagerly hanging on Noel’s every word.

“Then he walked me home. It’s only a few doors down but it was sweet.” So sweet when he’d pushed her up against the door and deepened the kiss, she’d nearly dragged him inside with her. Unfortunately, she hadn’t been fast enough, too dazed to catch him before he’d pulled away and told her good night.

“That’s it?” Gabby’s full lips pursed in disappointment.