Nick circled her waist with his arms. “Hot, huh?”
“Don’t lose your head.”
They heard his mother’s voice and separated before she came back into the room. Nick went to the sink to wash his hands.
“It’s great for a first apartment,” his mother said behind him. “Plenty of room and I like that you have your own washer and dryer.”
“Me too.” Nick turned around, drying his hands on a paper towel. “That’s why I rented it.”
“Don’t get cute.” His mom turned to Noel, adding, “You missed rehearsal for the Christmas concert today.”
“Yes, I am sorry, Victoria. Things ran late with Gabby and then I had a dinner meeting I couldn’t skip.”
“I am only teasing, honey. Nick didn’t show up either, but Merry and Holly both said you two didn’t need any practice singing together. Natural chemistry is how they described it.”
Nick caught the gleam in his mother’s eye and sighed. She did know there was something going on with him and Noel.
“We hope to do you proud, Mom.”
“I know you will.” She patted Nick’s cheek and cocked her head. “Come on, Chris. Let’s leave these kids to eat and hang. Or whatever they say nowadays.”
Chris snapped his fingers. “Excellent idea. I can’t wait to get home and watch a Christmas movie.”
Nick followed behind them. “I’ll walk you out.”
His parents hugged Noel in turn and headed for the door. As he stood there, holding it open in the bitter cold, his dad shot him a grin.
“Good luck with that one, son. She’s going to fight her feelings for as long as she can.”
Nick blinked at his dad. “How do you know that?”
“Because your mother was the same way.”
His mom smacked his dad in the gut. “I was not. I wanted to be caught. You just took your sweet time doing it.”
“We remember our youth differently, my dear.”
She hugged Nick, whispering in his ear. “You might want to let Noel know her panties are bunched up under the couch. I pushed them further back with my foot so your father wouldn’t see them. I didn’t want to embarrass her.”
Nick’s mouth dropped open, but his mom turned away, returning to her argument with her husband on the way to the stairs. “I remember pretending to break my ankle at our first dance senior year and you sat me in the corner with a bag of ice and left me.”
“I went to go get you an Advil!”
Nick chuckled as he shut the door. The bickering and sarcasm were just puzzle pieces in his parents’ relationship. Every little part went together, proving their love and creating a stronger structure for their marriage. Perfect relationships didn’t exist, but strong bonds did. Nick wanted that. An impenetrable, emotional bond with unconditional love and passion.
That wasn’t too much to ask, right?
Nick walked over to the couch and bent down to retrieve Noel’s underwear, shoving them into his back pocket. If he told Noel about his mother’s assist, it would only embarrass her further and his mother would never mention the incident to Noel for the same reason. Might as well keep it under wraps.
When he reentered the kitchen, he found Noel taking a huge bite out of a fajita.
“Sorry, stress makes me hungry,” she mumbled over the food in her mouth. “I washed my hands, I promise.”
Nick laughed. “I believe you. And there’s nothing to be stressed about. My parents adore you and didn’t suspect a thing.”
“Really?” she said, doubtfully.
“Yes. Oh, and I wanted to return these.” He dangled the underwear from the ends of his fingers with a smirk. “Although, I have to admit, I kind of want to keep them. Put them in a frame to commemorate this amazing night.”