Noel had no idea what he was talking about, but she nodded. “I vaguely remember.”
“In this economy, it is really hard to qualify for a business loan. But, if I get enough investors, I don’t need to jump through the bank’s hoops.”
“I know your parents left you some money and I was hoping, maybe you’d want to invest. Like a silent partner?”
Noel sat in disbelief, warring between are you fucking crazy or are you just an idiot? “You want me to give you money my dead parents left me…for beer?”
“No, not for beer. I am presenting you with a golden opportunity.”
Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. The voice in her head chanted it to the beat of “We Will Rock You” by Queen.
“A golden opportunity to throw my inheritance at a harebrained scheme? Where is your business plan? Financials? I can’t imagine you’d approach other investors without them.”
Trip cleared his throat, his expression wary. “I have one at home. I’m coming to you as someone I care for.” He took her hand. “We could help each other out.”
Noel played with the straw in her water with her free hand, deciding that he was really just a stupid, arrogant prick. “How is that?”
“You invest, and I return with interest. Once it takes off, everyone wins.”
“That does sound like a killer plan.” No reaction to her peppy sarcasm. “You do realize if it doesn’t succeed, I’m out of money.”
“You gotta come at this with a positive attitude or it won’t work.”
“That’s all it takes to launch a successful business? I had no idea.” Mathew dropped off the margarita she didn’t want, shooting her a baffled look. “What do you even know about beer, besides the fact it tastes good?”
Matt backed away from the table, so obviously she wasn’t being subtle with her aggravation.
“I bought a bunch of books and did some local tours around some of the brewing companies in Idaho. You can trust me. I got this.”
Noel extracted her hand. “Yeah, it sounds like you got this.” She set her napkin on the table and grabbed her purse. “Excuse me, I’m going to the bathroom.”
Trip stood with her, touching her arm. “Just think about it, okay? We can talk more when you get back.”
Noel nodded, although she stewed the whole way across the crowded restaurant. How dare he ask her out under the pretense of making amends only to turn around and try to squeeze money from her. No shit a bank didn’t want to loan him any money. He was up to his eyeballs in debt from the protein drink business his parents sponsored and he’d bailed on that in less than six months! His degree was in language arts or something. Not business. He didn’t know the first thing about breweries, except it’s where he could drink. What was he thinking?
Noel got Matt’s attention as she passed by.
“Can I get the fajitas to go? With an order of cheesecake?”
“Sure. Should I pack up your date’s as well?”
“Nope, not a date, and just mine.” He agreed to buy me dinner if I heard him out. Doesn’t mean I have to stay and eat it with him, she thought.
Matt’s lips twitched. “Understood. I will get that bagged up in just a few minutes.”
Noel popped into the bathroom to pee before she drove home. As she was finishing up in the stall, the bathroom door opened and Amber’s high-pitched laugh echoed off the tile walls.
“I still can’t believe she is here with Trip. I should have known she couldn’t be with just Nick. The girl gets around and a tiger doesn’t change her spots.”
Noel grit her teeth. It’s stripes, bonehead.
“I don’t think Noel is a slut.” The voice belonged to Amber’s longtime friend, Yancy. Noel would never forget Yancy’s voice as she pantsed Noel at a high school football game when they were sophomores. Yancy mocked Noel’s granny panties for years.
“What do you call it when a woman sleeps around?”