Merry got up from the table with a huff. “Relax, I’ll get it.”
She disappeared around the corner. Noel was in the middle of chewing her second bite when Merry came back, looking grim.
“An unwanted guest for Nick,” Merry hissed.
Suddenly, Amber popped up behind Merry, looking abashed. “Oh, I am so sorry to interrupt.”
“Yeah, right,” Holly muttered.
Nick stood up. “Hi, Amber. What are you doing here?”
Amber held up a black and silver wrapped package. “Surprise. I bought it before and…well, I know you said you were doing dinner tonight for your birthday, so I thought I’d bring it to you.”
Noel’s lips thinned. He’d told Amber about his birthday dinner and she’d thought it was okay to just show up?
“Amber, would you like to join us,” Nick’s mom asked politely.
“Oh, thank you Mrs. Winters, but I already ate. Although it looks tasty.”
Amber’s expression completely belied her sweet words, her nose turned up as she eyed Noel’s burger. In response to her obvious disgust, Noel took a huge bite, the wet sensation of condiments on her mouth and chin. She smiled with meat most likely wedged between her teeth.
Amber looked away. Noel heard several male chuckles and caught Pike and Anthony watching her, amused.
“I should let you all get back to it. Nick…would you see me out?” Amber asked.
“Uh, sure.”
Noel watched Nick come up alongside Amber, taking the present she offered him. When the two of them disappeared around the corner, Noel wiped her mouth delicately. They continued eating quietly and Noel noticed Merry hadn’t sat back down. Instead she hovered just inside the dining room, her head turned intently.
“Stop spying on your brother,” Victoria hissed.
“I’m not spying. I am protecting him in case Amber tries to suck his soul from his body.”
Anthony and Pike smothered their laughter with a cough, but Noel couldn’t find the humor in the situation. Amber shows up and Nick follows her around like a faithful dog, after the way she’d dropped him.
Why were men so stupid sometimes?
No one else said a word as Noel climbed her feet.
“Is anyone else finished? I’m full.”
Victoria’s expression warmed with motherly concern. “Are you sure, honey?”
“Yeah, I’m good. Don’t worry about me.”
Noel headed for the kitchen, refusing to look towards the entryway. She dumped her paper plate with half-eaten food into the trash.
After the way Amber broke up with Nick, why was he still nice to her? Nick was a good guy, but Amber didn’t deserve his consideration or kindness.
Noel continued to silently berate her best friend inside her head until something struck her.
She was jealous. Green-eyed monster, wanting to punch Amber in the nose, jealous.
See, this is what happens when you kiss your best friends. Chaos. Mayhem. Anarchy.
Noel finished washing her hands and was still drying them when her phone vibrated in her back pocket. She pulled it out to find a text from Trip.
Please talk to me, Noel. We had fun together.