As they belted out the lyrics to “Rock and Roll All Nite,” Noel couldn’t keep her eyes off of Nick. His light blue T-shirt hugged his broad shoulders and back, loosening around his waist. The shirt was just short enough to show off the curve of his butt in his relaxed jeans and her mouth went dry.

“Noel?” Nick’s mom called out.

Noel jumped. “Hm?”

“Maybe you want to hang up your coat and sit a spell?”

She did just that, squeezing in next to Holly. Merry sat on the other side of Holly and looked around her sister to speak to Noel. “Why were you standing on the porch staring at the door?”

“I wasn’t.”

“Yeah, you were. I pulled up and saw you there. It was several minutes before I walked up behind you and you seemed completely clueless.”

Everyone except Pike and Nick watched her intently, waiting for her answer. She shifted uncomfortably on the couch, hoping for something to come to her that wouldn’t make her feel even more of an idiot than she already did.

“I got lost in thought, I guess. It’s been a busy week for me, especially at work. Even though it’s the holidays, people don’t stop having babies. I should have had an extra cup of coffee today.”

Nick’s mother laughed. “We know that firsthand. March was always a good month for us.”

Holly blanched. “Please, do not explain to us how we were conceived. I’d rather listen to Pike hit the high notes for the rest of my life.”

Nick and Pike finished their song, tongues hanging out of their mouths and hands in the air.

“You’re just jealous of my wicked pipes,” he said, proving Pike heard her insult.

“If you’re comparing your voice to bagpipes, I’ll agree. Like nails on a chalkboard.”

“Nick, your sister’s picking on me. Again.”

Noel laughed. “You think you’d be used to it, Fish. She’s been doing it since she was six.”

“I am used to Holly being a punk to me. What I want to know is, why? And it’s not just her. You.” He pointed from Noel to Merry. “And you. Actually, all women in my sphere seem to terrorize me. What’s up with that?”

“Maybe you bring out the worst in them,” Anthony suggested, leaning against the wall.

“Please, I’m charming and adorable.” Pike straightened his bow tie and struck a pose. “Not to mention a snazzy dresser.”

Merry scoffed. “If you say so.”

Nick’s dad got up from his chair. “Now, now. Let’s ease up on Pike. You can’t help feeling sorry for him. Unfortunate fashion sense and all that.”

Pike covered his heart with a hand and pretended to stumble backwards. “Et tu, Chris? We men need to have each other’s backs.”

“When you start dressing like a man, son, I’ll get right on that.”

Noel fell back against the couch, wheezing with laughter. Even Pike smiled as Chris passed by, patting him on the shoulder. “I’m just playing, kid.”

“I know, sir. No worries.” Pike winked. “I got a mirror, so I know I look good.”

“I’m going to check on the burgers,” Chris said, shaking his head.

Nick’s mom stood up and followed his dad out of the room “I’ll help you.”

“Who’s next for karaoke?” Anthony asked.

“I think Nick and Noel should do one,” Merry said, shooting to her feet. “And I have just the song.”

Noel knew Nick’s sister was up to something, but she didn’t protest when Merry handed her the mic. Noel stood next to Nick, shoulder to shoulder as the melody kicked on. She muffled a groan when Toby Keith’s “Kiss Me Again” showed up on the screen. Of course Merry would pick a love song about two friends discovering they have feelings for each other.