She released a wet laugh against his sweatshirt, wiping it down with her palm. “Sorry for falling apart on you.”
“Never apologize for your emotions, Noel. The way you care for other people is what makes you an amazing nurse.”
“How do you know I’m amazing?” she whispered.
“Well, I’ve had my own experiences with your awesomeness, but it’s not just me. I’ve bumped into a few fine citizens who sing your praises.”
Noel shook her head in disbelief. Nick was the nice one. Unless they worked at the hospital, most people gave her a wide berth.
“What do you mean? Who?”
“People think we’re together, remember? Apparently, you’re pretty popular around here.”
“No I’m not. You’re the one everyone likes. I’m a snarky asshole.”
“Not to everyone. Sarah Wilcox and her husband said you kept them calm while they worked on their daughter. Gretchen Meyers threatened my sack if I wasn’t good to you! Mckensie Wilkson called you a godsend when she was in labor. That’s a direct quote.” Nick cupped her face in his hands and kissed her forehead. “So anytime you want to talk about something at work, good or bad, I’m here to listen.”
Noel’s eyes filled up with tears again and she sniffled. “Fuck, now I’m crying again.”
Nick chuckled. “Ah, what an undercover softy you are.”
“Don’t tell anyone, okay?”
“Your secret’s safe with me.”
She covered his hands and squeezed. “Can we make the lucky treats now?”
“Yeah.” He let her go and she grabbed a bowl from the cupboard, turning her back on him.
“Hey Noel?”
“What’s my favorite song?”
She faced him again, setting the bowl on the counter. “Is this a trick question?”
“No, why?”
“Unless it’s changed in the last year, your favorite song is AC/DC’s ‘You Shook Me All Night Long.’”
Nick smiled broadly. “You got it.”
Noel cocked her head. “Why?”
“Just wondering if you remembered.”
“Pshaw. How could I forget? You sang it every time my dad brought out the karaoke machine…” her voice trailed off. “Anyway, treats.”
“Where can I pop your CD in?”
Noel pointed to the black boombox collecting dust. “There’s a player on top of the fridge.”
Nick’s eyes widened. “Really?”
“Yup, I keep it around just for your mixed CDs.”
“I feel special.” Nick put the player on the kitchen table and plugged it in. The chords to “Bad Day” by Daniel Powter poured through and Noel groaned when Nick sang at the top of his lungs. He took Noel’s hand, spinning her and she laughed, grabbing onto his shoulder as he danced her around her apartment, chasing away the last of her dark mood.