Anthony sneered. “Please, if he was getting laid, he’d be giving us a play-by-play.”

“That’s disturbing, but accurate,” Nick said.

“You know he’s into Noel, right?”

Nick stilled at his friend’s bluntness. “I didn’t know for sure.”

“He’s been carrying a torch for years, but she keeps him strictly in the friend zone. Just thought you should know.”

“While I appreciate the heads up, nothing is going on with Noel. Not officially, anyway.”

“Officially or not, I saw the way you two reacted to each other at Brews and Chews. Even if y’all aren’t ready to admit it, there is something there. I’m only telling you about Pike so you’ll have a care with how you handle it.”

“I will.” Nick hesitated, feeling a little vulnerable asking, but he needed to talk to someone and of his two male friends, Anthony was less likely to razz him too hard. “You really think she’s into me?”

Anthony took a drink, studying Nick over his water bottle. He snapped the lid closed before answering. “You don’t see the way she looks at you?”


“I know you and Noel have been close since the cradle, but you’ve been gone a while. We hang with her several times a week and I can say with confidence that Noel has always held you in a separate league than Pike or myself. She talks about you and her whole face lights up. She may not want to admit it, but her feelings go deeper than friendship.” Anthony grinned. “Probably why she dogs on Amber so hard.”

“I think that has more to do with their history than with me.”

“Maybe so. Still, pretty sure it burned her bad that you fell for her nemesis. I know I’d have a hard time admitting my feelings for a woman who dated Tim Bateman before me.” Anthony’s face twisted into a harsh grimace. “That douche left a permanent indent in my ass crack from all the seventh-grade wedgies he gave me, before my brothers kicked his ass.”

Anthony’s insight left Nick defensive. He never meant to hurt Noel, but his friend’s point of view made him feel like he should be apologizing. “It’s not like I never thought about taking that next step with Noel. She didn’t give me any indication she wanted me, even before Amber.”

“Or she did and you couldn’t see it because you’re too close to the situation. The view is always better with a little distance.”

Nick thought about all the times he’d given his sisters advice, simply because he was an outsider looking in and groaned, “You’re right.”

“Damn right I’m right.”

Nick picked up his phone next to his water bottle and cursed. “I gotta go.”

“Where are you running off to?”

“My mom booked a photographer to take family pictures this afternoon. I have just enough time to get home and shower before they get started.”

“All right, I’ll see you Thursday then. Same time.” Anthony held out his hand and Nick took it, bringing him in for a hard hug.

“Thanks for the talk, bud.”

“First one’s free. After that, we’ll need to discuss my hourly rate.”

“Yeah, right.”

Nick followed Anthony into the men’s locker room and wasn’t surprised to find Trip inside. He stood shirtless by his open locker and when he spotted Nick, he puffed out his massive, bald chest.

“Winters.” Did his pecs just bounce?

“Sup, Trip.”

“Nothing, just getting ready to hit the weights. Gotta keep these guns up.” Trip flexed his arm and kissed the bicep.

Nick caught Anthony’s WTF expression and barely caught a laugh.

“Something funny?” Trip asked.