“I’m saying maybe it would help to go as an adult. You shouldn’t cut yourself off from your past or limit your future.”
“I keep you around, don’t I? You’re a part of my past. Your family is my past. Pike and Anthony. Gabby. Just because I don’t want reminders of my parents around my apartment doesn’t mean I didn’t grieve them or move on. I just did it my own way.”
“All right, I’m sorry. I won’t bring it up again.”
Noel relaxed against him and he breathed a sigh of relief. Talking about her parents tended to be tricky and the last thing he wanted to do was upset her when they were on such unstable ground.
“It’s okay. I appreciate you care. I worry about you too. I’m really glad you aren’t going back overseas. You have no idea how scared I was every time your mom called or I didn’t hear from you.”
He held her a little tighter. “I’m sorry you were worried about me.”
Noel shrugged. “We both had our reasons for going in. I know it was your job. That you needed to stay in longer. I wanted to be supportive, but I am not gonna lie. I’m happy you’re staying put.”
Nick brushed his lips against her temple. “Thank you. I know my mom didn’t want me reenlisting, but like you said, I needed to do it. Plus, it paid for my education and now I have a great job where I can stay here most of the time and be with my family. I’m lucky.” Nick made a face. “Even though my mother roped me into playing guitar for the Christmas concert.”
Noel pulled away, wide-eyed. “But you hate performing in public.”
“Yeah, but when my mom asks for a favor…let’s just say the mom guilt was heavy with this one.”
Noel laughed. “Oh yeah, Victoria can lay it on thick without you even realizing what’s happening. Then she’s got you hooked.”
“So, no issues with me being in the band then?”
“Not at all. I’ll feel better having you up there with me.”
Her words sent a jolt through him and he took a deep breath, burying his face in the crook of her neck. Her breath rushed out, rustling along his skin.
“Hey! What are you two doing down there?” Merry’s voice carried down the hall from the kitchen.
Noel pulled away slowly, seeming reluctant to let him go and in that moment, he could have throttled his sister.
“Talking! Be right there.” She cleared her throat. “Holly will be here soon, so we should get set up.”
“Sure. I’m going to get changed first.”
Nick took the sharp right into his room and shut the door. His dick pushed so hard against the front of his jeans it seemed like it would snap in two. God, what was she doing to him? How could something so little as touching her cause him to nearly explode?
He stripped down, thinking about unpleasant things, anything to make the hard-on dissipate. It took remembering the time Anthony hit a line drive into his nut sack before it disappeared. Once he had on dry clothes, he padded down the hallway to find Noel leaning against the counter, watching Merry make a sandwich.
“Well, you clean up nice,” Merry joked.
Nick grinned. “I know.”
Noel snagged a slice of turkey and popped it into her mouth. “That looks good.”
“I’ll make you one. Nick? You hungry?”
“Nah, thanks.” Nick stood back, watching his sister and Noel ease back into a comfortable relationship, laughing and talking, and he couldn’t help thinking about what Merry said about Noel being perfect for him. His parents loved her. She shared the same friends with him. She was fun to be around and called him on his bullshit. She was beautiful. Independent. Funny. Sexy.
Nick went to the sink and splashed some cold water on his face. Was he actually still thinking about this? What happened to them going back to the way things were?
All because of a couple of stupid kisses.
“Ummm, are you okay?”