Nick held his hand up awkwardly to wave and she did the same. He noted that Noel’s already rosy cheeks darkened when she smiled at him and Nick wondered if she was as out of her depth as he was.
Merry jogged up to his side and elbowed him. “Feels like you never left, huh?”
“I wouldn’t say that. Some things are definitely different.” Nick’s gaze shifted to Noel and Merry followed it, smiling.
“Can I tell you something?”
“Sure, what’s up?”
“I love Noel.”
Nick’s brow furrowed. “Um, I kinda figured, since you’ve been tagging along after us trying to steal her from me since we were kids.”
Merry pinched his arm and he jerked it away with a yelp. “Hey!”
“What I mean is, I heard about you two at Brews and Chews. I thought you should know I wholeheartedly approve. Noel is perfect for you and we all love her, so we wouldn’t talk shit about her behind your back like we did with your ex.”
He huffed with exasperation. “Why did no one except Noel ever tell me how they really felt about Amber?”
“If we actually thought you’d marry the succubus, we would have.”
Nick burst out laughing. “Succubus? Really?”
“Absolutely. I know you can’t see it, but she is a soul sucker. Had you married her…” Merry gave an exaggerated shiver and squeezed his arm. “You got out just in time.”
Noel caught up to them on the walkway, snow clinging to her beanie and lashes. “Got out of what?”
“I was just telling my dear brother that Amber dumping him was a good thing. She would have drained his life force and bank account if he’d stayed with her, before leaving him for a gym rat with roid rages and a low sperm count. Let’s just hope she sticks with such a man so she doesn’t reproduce.”
Noel bit her lip, but Nick could tell she was fighting a smile.
“I appreciate everyone using my love life as a punch line.”
Noel threw her gloved hands up. “I didn’t say a word.”
“Today,” Nick said.
Noel stuck her tongue out at him and his gaze locked on her mouth when it receded, her pink lips glossy.
“Actually, all my punches have been aimed at Amber, not you,” Merry clarified.
“Oh, for the love of God!” Nick roared.
“Maybe we shouldn’t bring up the A word anymore,” Noel teased. “It tends to make him testy.”
“He’s just like that with me.” Before he could agree, Merry clapped her hands. “Okay, I’m going inside to make some hot chocolate and a snack before we get this show on the road. You two coming or what?”
“Be right in. I need to talk to Noel.”
“Ooooh!” Merry drew out the letter before racing into the house.
“What was that about?”
Nick cleared his throat. “Word got back to my family about us.”
“Oh crap.” The way she worried her bottom lip drew his gaze back to her mouth. “What did you say?”
What did I say about what? Shit. I was thinking about kissing her again and forgot what I was saying.