“You might say I’m a-dork-able.”
“No, I wouldn’t.”
“Ouch. I was going to ask if I could keep you company, but you’re kinda mean tonight.”
“No, that’s just my personality. You should be used to it by now.” Noel opened the container with rolls and helped herself to one. The soft, buttery bread practically melted on her tongue. “God, that is good.”
“I’ll pass along your enjoyment to the chef. Seriously, though…do you mind if I hang out?”
Noel snagged a stray flake of role on her thumb with her teeth. “Why would I mind?”
“I didn’t know if my idea freaked you out? When I suggested we keep pretending we’re dating?”
Noel paused her chewing, considering whether freaked out was the right phrase. “No, I’m not freaked out. Are you freaked out?”
“Far from it.” His words were warm and soothing. “I just don’t want to make things awkward between us.”
“No, I’m good. I have been kind of thinking…”
“Should we tell your family what we’re doing? So they don’t hear it from someone else?”
“I can do that. They’ll be disappointed.”
“What do you mean? In me?”
“No. That it isn’t real.”
“Oh.” Noel coughed, hoping he hadn’t heard the slight tremble in her voice. She pulled out a spoon and dished portions from every container. Turkey, ham, yams, potatoes, green beans, and macaroni were soon piled up high. She popped it into the microwave for a few minutes.
He came around the counter and stood only a few inches away. “Noel?”
“You’re not looking at me.”
Noel turned, tilted her head up and met his gaze. “I am.”
“Not really. You were looking at the floor. The food. Even now, your gaze keeps shifting toward the microwave.”
“I told you I’m hungry.”
“Uh-huh.” He sounded unconvinced.
“Nothing. Just distracting you so I can do this.”
The minute his fingers touched her rib cage, she squealed. “No! No, stop! Damn it!”
Nick held her against him, his fingers moving up and down her sides until she couldn’t breathe. She squirmed to get away, turning in his arms. When his hand grazed her breast, they both froze.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to do that.”
Noel was acutely aware of his arm locked around her waist, her back plastered against his front. His warm breath puffed against her neck, close enough that she could imagine his mouth dipping lower to brush against her skin.
“It’s okay.” Her words hushed, fully aware he hadn’t let her go and a tiny voice inside didn’t want him to let go.