Anthony cocked a dark brow. “Are those the same apartments Noel lives in?”
“Yeah, why?”
Anthony and Pike shared a heavy glance. “Just curious.”
“I’m just wondering if you might be setting yourself up to finally take the plunge,” Anthony said.
“With Noel,” Pike interjected. “I figured you were blinded by the fact you’d known her forever, but she is stupid hot, bro. The type of girl that could make even the baddest player settle down.”
Nick narrowed his eyes. He’d always assumed Pike flirted with Noel to mess with her, but perhaps his friend’s feelings ran a bit deeper. He didn’t like the notion.
“It’s an apartment and there aren’t a lot in town. It has nothing to do with Noel. I’ve been living with a bunch of guys for eight years and as much as I love my parents, I can’t wait to have my own place.”
Pike grinned. “So you don’t mind if I keep swinging, then?”
Nick considered punching his friend in the nuts to get his point across, but Anthony saved them both. “And striking out.”
“It’s all part of the game, my man.”
Anthony snickered. “Your game is weak. Back to the subject at hand, moving you next weekend. I’ll help if you’re buying lunch.”
Nick nodded. “Sure. I’ll even throw in breakfast if you’ll be at my parents by eight.”
“Damn, man. Eight o’clock on a Saturday morning?” Pike made a clicking noise. “You better throw in coffee, too.”
“Deal.” Nick caught a glimpse of shimmery blond hair and grimaced. “Shit.”
Anthony followed his gaze. “Uh-oh. Isn’t that Amber?”
Amber danced at the edge of the club floor with Kelly Davis and Yancy Edwards. She’d been friends with them since high school and they’d never been Nick’s biggest fans. The feeling remained mutual. All three of them wore sequined halters and black pants, looking like a trio of twinkling disco balls.
“Are they all wearing the same shirt?” Anthony asked.
Pike shook his head. “Girls do that kind of shit all the time. They think it’s cute or something.”
“It’s fucking weird,” Anthony said.
“I agree. I’m going to get us another round.”
“None for me. I’m done.” Nick took a long pull of his beer, finishing it off.
Pike scowled. “What? Why?”
“If I don’t stop now, I’ll end up crashing at your place and it smells like ball funk.”
Anthony chuckled. “Probably all the products he uses on his face pubes. I swear, he gets high from the mixed fumes. Only excuse for his wardrobe.”
“Fuck you both.” Pike backed away with both his middle fingers up, saluting them.