“I want Jack and Coke!” Pike hollered.
Noel rolled her eyes. “You get what you get, and you don’t pitch a fit.”
Nick sat down with his back to the dance floor and gave her a salute. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Suck up,” Pike snorted.
Noel flipped Pike off and swirled away. She pushed a path to the bar counter and waved Ricki Takini down. The taller woman flipped her long black hair over her shoulder as she leaned over in front of Noel.
“What can I do you for, Noel?” The light caught the glitter of her diamond nose ring, and the black tank top showed off her generous cleavage and intricate tribal tattoo sleeves along the golden skin of her arms.
“Can I get three screaming orgasms and one pink flamingo?”
Ricki glanced over Noel’s shoulder at the table of men and quirked a brow. “Really?”
Noel flashed a devious grin. “Oh yeah. They said surprise them.”
Ricki chuckled. “Coming right up.”
Noel leaned on the wooden counter top, waiting for Ricki, when she noticed Trip come through the door with a group of his friends. His brown hair flopped over his forehead as he leaned over to whisper something to Jillian, who looked awfully cozy pressed against his side, his arm wrapped around her petite shoulders.
She turned away. Noel didn’t want to deal with Trip tonight. As casual as their relationship may have been, not once in the months they’d been sleeping together had he ever posted a selfie with her. Maybe it was petty and prideful, but what the hell? It’s not like they’d never left the bedroom. They’d gone places. Done things. She might not look like an Insta-star, but she could have squeezed in and smiled for the camera.
Geez, she was confusing her damn self. She was mad at Trip because he didn’t show her off? Did she wanted a cuddle buddy now and not just someone in her bed?
That’s a boyfriend, honey. Boyfriends lead to monogamy and till death do us part. And we don’t want any of that, remember?
Luckily, Ricki came back with the shots and a pretty martini glass of pink liquid with a flamingo straw, pulling her out of her head. “Here you go, Noel. That will be twenty dollars.”
“Thanks, Ricki. You’re awesome.” Noel handed her thirty from her clutch and picked up her drinks.
“Do you need change?” Ricki asked.
“Nah, that’s for you.”
“Thanks, babe.” Ricki shot her a wink and took off for the other end of the bar.
Noel headed back to the table, doing her best not to spill. She set the shots in front of Nick and Anthony, and placed the Pink Flamingo before Pike. He sent her an exasperated look.
“You are a pain in my ass.”
He reached for her shot, but she picked it up, sliding into the chair with ease. “Hey, get your own screaming orgasm.”
Anthony and Nick burst out laughing.
“What the hell?” Nick asked.
Noel dropped her clutch on the table and gave him a smirk. “The shot is called a screaming orgasm. It’s tasty and something Fish has never given a woman.”
“I always leave my partners satisfied,” Pike growled.
“Satisfied like, ‘It was all right’? ‘Okay’? ‘Adequate’?” She tipped the shot back and swallowed. The creamy liquor slid down smoothly and she tapped the glass against the table. “Anthony, you got next round?”
“That I do.” Anthony downed his shot and winked. “You’re a savage, N.”
“This I know,” she said, smacking his butt as he headed for the bar. “Hurry up!”
Pike pushed away the martini glass with a grunt. “You can question my sexual skills all you want, but I’m not drinking this glass of sugar-sweet crap.”