“Hurry up, Nick.”

“I’m hurrying!” He shut the door on her and jogged around, keeping his promise as he got them to the community center a half an hour before they were scheduled to go on stage. They took the steps two at a time, pushing through the doors and almost whacking his mother in the face.

“Oh, good! You’re here.” Victoria’s eyes widened as she looked Noel over from head to toe. “Oh honey, is that your mother’s dress?”

“Yes. I found it in a garment bag below a bunch of Christmas decorations.”

“Well, you look just as lovely in it as she did. What a perfect way to honor her.”

“Thank you.”

Victoria waved them all the way in. “Go ahead backstage and get set up. I’ll find you afterward. I hope you like the memorial.”

“I’m sure I will,” Noel murmured.

“Come on, Noel. We’ve got twenty minutes.”

Victoria hugged Noel one last time, before letting Nick lead her away to the stage area. Sonia, the event manager, waited with their mics. She put Noel’s on first, making sure it sounded clear.

“You’re good to go.”

Noel formed her hands into a heart and blew him a kiss. “I’m going to go find your sisters really quick and get their approval. Be back in a bit.”

“What do you need them for? I already told you how beautiful you are.”

“Yes, but you’re biased.”

Nick shook his head, grinning at Sonia. “You saw her. Am I wrong?”

“No, you are absolutely right. She is breathtaking. Reminds me of her mother.” She taped his mic onto his cheek and secured the belt around his waist.

“Sing something for me?”

Nick sang a few bars of “Must Be Santa” and Sonia gave him a thumbs up.

“Break a leg.”

“I’ll do my best.” Nick tried to shake the butterflies in his stomach as he peeked between the curtains into the packed community center. Nearly the whole damn town was there. He knew it would be a packed good turnout, but the reality of it still jarred him a bit.

“Hey, you okay?” Noel asked, coming up beside him.

“Yeah, just picturing the audience in their underwear.”

Noel laughed, looping her arms around his neck. “You’re gonna be great.”

“We’re going to be great.”

“But I do have a request. It you are going to puke, aim for your sisters. Not me.”

Nick chuckled. “Done.”

“I love you.”

He kissed her hard. “I love you, too.”

“Dammit, now I have to reapply my lipstick. Curtain up in five. Don’t forget to turn your mic on.”

She disappeared back into the dressing room and Nick flipped the switch on his mic. He squatted down to check his amp and guitar, making sure it was plugged in correctly.