“Oh yeah?”

“Yup. You can’t make fun of our clothes and you got every round for the next month.”

Noel pretended to think about it then snorted. “Nah. That doesn’t work for me.”

Pike held his arms out. “Fine, I’ll settle for a hug.”

That she could do. As she stepped into his hug, Nick grumbled, “I’m watching your hands, man.”

“I’m behaving. Now, Noel, repeat after me.”


“Come on. It’s part of your probation.”


“I, Noel…do solemnly swear…that Pike is amazeballs.”

She repeated it in a robotic voice and he gave her a squeeze. “I’ll take it.”

He let her go and she smiled up at Anthony. “How about you, Ant? You forgive me?”

“As long as you keep your distance with those germs, I’m good.”

“Ah, man!” Pike cried. “I forgot she was infected.”

Nick pointed the lid of one of the totes at him. “That’s what you get for hugging on my girl.”

Noel’s stomach fluttered.

Pike grabbed another tote and when he opened it, he let out a battle cry. “Oh, oh, this one is all Nick.” He pulled out a naked Barbie doll, making her dance. “Didn’t you tell us once Nick loved playing Barbies?”

“I never played Barbies,” Nick said.

“Oh, he so did. He liked to dress them up and braid their hair.”

Anthony nodded. “I believe it.”

“All of you, shut up.”

“Oh Nick,” Pike sang in a high-pitched voice. “Have I introduced you to my boyfriend?”

Pike held a naked Ken in one hand and Barbie in the other.

“Oh, I love you, Ken. Mwah mwah mwah.” Pike made the dolls kiss.

Noel shook her head at the immaturity but was also relieved. Doing this was hard, but having them there? She didn’t know what she’d do without them.

Pike, the comic relief. Anthony, the voice of reason. And Nick, the shoulder to lean on.

“Thanks for being here, guys. It means a lot.”

They all stopped what they were doing and smiled.

“What?” she asked.

“Nothing. You’re just so cute when you’re sweet.”