Nick’s brow furrowed. “Wait a second, you went out with Trip last weekend.”
“That was before we agreed to this.” She waved her hand between them, her voice choked up, “To give this a real shot and you blew it.”
“I blew it? I asked you and you said it was okay!”
“You never should have put in me in that position! I am not going to make decisions for you, but for someone who is supposed to know me better than anyone, you should have realized there was no way in hell I’d be okay with you leaving me for her.” Noel’s voice broke as she kept going, “As much as I try to get over my past with Amber, that girl loves to hurt me. She told me that you would never forget her because she was your first time. For weeks she has made digs about you and me, playing on all of my insecurities and you still walked off with her because she needed you! You going outside with her proved everything she’d been saying to me is right.”
“Noel, I went out to help her, not hurt you.”
“But you did, Nick! You hurt me.”
Nick’s stomach twisted up and he reached out for her again, but she evaded him. “I am sorry. I wasn’t trying to be thoughtless.”
“I know. That’s what makes it so much worse.”
Nick threw up his hands. “Is this really about Amber? Or you were looking for a way out.”
“Excuse me?”
Nick shook his head, desperation mixed with frustration steering the reckless course his mouth took. “Admit it. You’ve been ready to run since the first time we kissed. Anything close to relationship status and you bolt. You tell me that I didn’t think about you tonight, but that isn’t true. I knew how you felt about Amber, which is the whole reason I asked. I put the ball in your court and you said it was fine. Now you’re punishing me for it. You tested me and I bombed it. I may know you better than anyone, Noel, but I’m not a mind reader.”
“You are not naïve enough to think all she wanted from you was help with a fucking tire!”
“I didn’t even think about what ulterior motives she could have. I came out here to help, that’s it. I don’t want her! You are the only person I want. Ever.”
“Then why would you put yourself in this position?” she cried, pushing at his chest when he tried to hug her. “No, I just want to get out of here. Alone.”
Nick glared at her, his heart breaking even as he whispered, “Fine. Take off. But just so we’re clear, I chased you. I did everything in my power to show you how I felt. I’m not running after you anymore. If you want to save what we have, make your move. Otherwise, I’m done trying.”
Without looking back, he walked away, his feet dragging the ground like cement blocks, his heart screaming to go back. To beg her not to give up.
But pride won the fight. If she wanted to set him up to fail, they were already doomed.
Chapter 26
Noel dashed at her right cheek, while her tears from her left eye soaked the bandage and eye patch. Frustrated, she yanked it off and stomped it, cursing angrily. At least her eyes had pretty much healed, because salt in an open corneal scratch had been unpleasant Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.
God, she should have told Nick no when he’d asked about helping Amber, but Noel was trying to take the high road. To show Amber that she wasn’t as big a bitch as she thought.
But the longer she waited, the more her imagination ran wild. Amber convincing Nick she’d changed. That Noel wasn’t right for him. Nick realizing his first love wasn’t as easy to forget.
So she’d excused herself to go looking for them. She’d heard them arguing and then watched Amber throw herself at Nick. She should have been happy that Nick rebuffed her, but instead she was angry. Furious with herself for pitying Amber and giving her the benefit of the doubt. Pissed at Amber for being such a bitch.
And disappointed with Nick for even asking her in the first place. It was their first date! They should be looking at the ice sculptures right now, laughing over a cup of cider and kissing beneath the random sprigs of mistletoe.
Instead she was standing alone in the dark, wondering if she should go back inside and try to find Holly, but then she’d have to wait until the event was over.
Damn it.
She groaned at the sound of Trip’s voice behind her. “Great. Just what I need.”
When she turned, he pushed off the wall of the building, putting a lit cigarette out on the ground. She wrinkled her nose. She’d never let him smoke around her, hated the smell and taste of it. Every once in a while, she’d get a whiff and lose all attraction to him.
Just another reason on the long list of why she was glad they were no longer hooking up.