“My God, stop it. I don’t ask you about Drew’s mini me.”
“Oh, Drew is stacked. Let me tell you, there is no mini about that man. I have no complaints.”
“Neither do I.”
“I’m happy for you. You deserve happiness.”
“I do need to talk to you about Amber.”
Gabby sighed. “Am I going to need to have separate bachelorette and bridal showers for you two?”
“No, I don’t think so. She did bring up something interesting though. She told me this whole animosity started long before high school. Has she said anything about it?”
Gabby hesitated. “Only that you quitting choir was the best thing that ever happened to her.”
“She said I used to compete with her, but I swear, I didn’t do it consciously.”
“I wouldn’t stress about it. I doubt you did anything. Amber tends to see criticism and slights everywhere. There was a bartender who used to flirt with her incessantly at a club we hit in college. Amber dropped by to see him and found out he had a girlfriend. That he only flirted with her to get tips. She stabbed all four of his tires. Had to pay for damages.”
Gabby shrugged. “I love her, but she needs constant validation. If she doesn’t get the attention she craves, then any will do. Pretty sure that’s why the two of you could never get along. You don’t give any fucks about what people think of you.”
“That’s not entirely true. I care what you think.”
“We’re fine, Noel. I already said—”
“Do you feel like I bailed on you when your aunt died?”
Gabby’s eyes widened. “What? No. You’d just lost your parents. I knew it was hard for you. I appreciated you even showing up for the funeral. What made you even think of that?”
“Amber. She said I wasn’t a very good friend when you needed me.”
“Listen, when my aunt was on hospice, it was hard. We were really close and it was a rough death. But never did I question our friendship. You were there for me as much as you could be for a kid who had just lost everything. I had my whole extended family to grieve with. Believe me, I have never held any resentment toward you for that.”
“What about for something else?”
Gabby looked up at the ceiling, as though she was straining to think. Suddenly, she snapped her fingers. “You know what! I do have beef.”
“Uh-oh.” Noel held her coffee cup in front of her for protection. “I’m skerred.”
“You should be. How could you bring me coffee when I’ve already had my allotted amount for the day.”
“Allotted amount? What are you talking about?”
Gabby got up and grabbed her phone from the counter. She tapped the screen silently and slid it over.
Noel stared at the picture of a positive pregnancy test. Her gaze jerked up and she caught the sly smile on Gabby’s face.
“What? WHAT?!”
Noel jumped up and hugged her, squealing. Noel didn’t make the noise often, but she was so surprised, it escaped on its own.
“When did you find out?”
“Sunday, at the hospital when they checked me out. I took a home pregnancy test yesterday just for the picture. I felt like absolute crap yesterday, which is why I didn’t come to the door.”