Nick and Noel broke apart at the sound of Merry clearing her throat. Both Winters sisters stood at the bottom of the stairs, watching them with identical grins. Nick shook his head at his meddling siblings but didn’t call them out on their lightness of foot.

“Ah, good. You’re here.”

“Weren’t we supposed to be?” Holly asked.

“Apparently, they weren’t expecting us anytime soon.” Merry wiggled her eyebrows as she thrust her hips.

Noel groaned, hiding her face in her hands.

Nick scowled at the girls and barked, “All right, chuckles, listen up. We are skipping practice tonight.”

Merry and Holly looked at each other, before Merry planted her hands on her hips.

“Does Mom know that?”

“She will, don’t worry. This is more important.” Nick turned to Noel. “Are your keys in your purse?”

“Yes, but the car’s not locked. The favors are in the back seat in grocery sacks.”

“All right, you two”—Nick pointed to his grinning sisters—“stop gawking. Noel needs us to help her finish the favors for Gabby’s wedding, so you two get the supplies and meet us at the kitchen table. Our mission is to finish the favors before Noel goes to work.” Nick clapped his hands. “Let’s get ’er done!”

Merry shot him a disgruntled expression. “Normally, I’d rebel against you popping off orders, but since it’s for Noel, I’ll go along with it.”

Holly pointed at Noel. “Why are you wearing an eye patch?”

Nick snapped his fingers rapidly. “All will be explained. Now shoo!”

“Nobody likes a tyrant, big brother,” Merry muttered as the two of them trekked back upstairs.

Alone again, Nick kissed her, falling into the taste of chocolate and warmth. When they finally pulled apart, Noel’s face radiated happiness.

“A girl could get used to this.”

I hope you do.

“We better get up there before they start catcalling.”

Nick laced his fingers through hers and led her up the stairs. They broke apart just before they crested the main floor, mostly to avoid any more teasing from his annoying sisters.

He was surprised to find his parents sitting down at the table with Holly and Merry, getting organized with all the favor supplies.

The moment Butch spotted them, he made a beeline for Noel, who ducked behind Nick.

“Uh-uh, you got me on the way in, you turkey!”

Suddenly, Noel fell into his back face first, propelling him forward until he caught himself on the counter.

“Really dude?” Noel’s voice was muffled between his shoulder blades. “You can’t get to my front, so you hit me in the back?”

“It’s a sign of affection,” Chris called. “Dogs sniff each other’s rears to say hello.”

“I wish he’d get it through his head I am not a dog,” Noel mumbled. “I don’t need either my front or my back inspected.”

Chris chuckled, whistling at his dog. “Butch. Get over here. Noel doesn’t like you.”

“I like him!” she protested. “I just don’t appreciate him getting so personal.”

“You two joining in?” Nick asked.