He fluttered his eyelashes, but she barely cracked a smile.
“But do you think I should let Gabby use it? I can’t find anything else available.”
“Not if you don’t want her to. That is your parents’ place. It’s special. If Gabby doesn’t get that, she isn’t a real friend.”
“She did,” Noel insisted, defensively. “She understood. But Amber got me thinking and then we fought and ruined all Gabby’s favors.”
“Is that how the M&M pegged you in the eye? Her favors?”
“It only started with M&M’s. We moved onto fried food, dip, and finally I just punched her in the face.”
Nick coughed to cover a laugh. “Damn. Sounds like I missed one hell of a show.”
“Unfortunately, when I hit her, Amber fell back and smacked Gabby in the face by accident. I’m pretty sure we broke her nose, so Gabby didn’t think it was very funny.”
“Ouch. That sounds bad.”
“Yeah. I had to stay behind with Amber and clean up our mess. Amber also informed me that I actually made her life miserable by competing with her in choir and drama and taking everyone away from her.”
“Whhhhaaaaat?” He dragged out the ah to make her smile. “I thought she used to torment you in high school? That’s what you told me.”
“Apparently, I started it without realizing, but it made me think… I never understood her insane dislike for me. I mean, I’m not the easiest person to get close to, but I don’t think I’m completely unlovable.”
Nick tilted his head back and forth, waving his hands like he was weighing the air. “Eh. Not completely.”
She pushed him gently, but he caught her by the shoulders, bringing her back to him. “Gee, thanks.”
“I’m only teasing. I keep telling you people like you. It sounds like a misunderstanding that festered between two adolescent females brought on by lack of communication. The resentment festered and instead of having a heart to heart and clearing up the infection, it turned putrid.”
“Thank you, Dr. Phil.”
“I am just saying, it was a long time ago. Maybe we should just sit you in a room with someone to referee.”
“Yeah, the last person to try to help us got her nose broken.” Noel buried her face in his chest. “She is never going to forgive me.”
“Of course Gabby will.”
“Amber said I don’t have any female friends because I’m a slut and no one likes me. That’s why I only hang with guys.”
“No, you have other female friends.”
“Like who?”
“Merry, Holly.”
“We don’t hang that much.”
“All right, fine, but you talk about other women at work.”
“Those are work friends. So far, you have given me family friends and work friends, but no super close, head to the bar and discuss life’s problems, friends.”
“Then I’d say Gabby fits all the bills, so you don’t need any other close female friends. It’s like having a five-course meal, when all you really need is the steak and potatoes to satisfy you.”
Noel looked up at him, smiling through her tears. “Are you saying I need Pike and Anthony because you don’t emotionally satisfy my need for male friends?”
“No, see, I am boyfriend material, so I am in a class all on my own. Those two can duke it out for the top guy-friend spot. I’m seeking a new position entirely.”
Noel leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed him, the salt of her tears on her lips. It was the only thing that kept him from taking the kiss just a little further. Right now, she needed him to listen, not try to get in her pants.