Her nipples peaked and she leaned her head back against the tile, sighing. Nick had become a constant turn-on for her and she didn’t know what to do about it. She hadn’t had sex in three weeks. If this kept up, Noel would need to order a new vibrator at the rate she’d been entertaining herself and her fantasies about Nick. Although she agreed with him that keeping things between them platonic was for the best, it didn’t stop her from longing for him.

Longing, bah. When had she turned into a sex-starved heroine in a historical romance novel?

By the time she climbed into the passenger seat of Gabby’s Subaru, she felt less like a zombie, although she hadn’t bothered with makeup or drying her hair. Besides, if they hurried, maybe she could take another nap before work.

“Don’t you wanna blow dry your hair?”

Noel shot her a disgruntled look. “I don’t have the energy.”

“I thought you have pictures with the Winterses this afternoon…”

Crap. She’d completely forgotten about the family photo session.

“I’ll let it air dry and curl it before I head over. Now, caffeinate me.”

“Aye, aye.” Gabby put the car into gear and headed into town. Noel stared out the window drowsily, homes and trees zooming past.

“Sooo?” Gabby drawled.

Noel turned to look at her. “So what?”

“How is Nick?”

She shifted in the seat, avoiding Gabby’s gaze. After their chemistry overload on Saturday, Noel feigned a sore throat on Sunday and Monday. She wasn’t scared of Nick. It was the incredible draw to him that had her freaking out. The last thing she wanted was Gabby getting involved in their already complicated situation. She’d scheme her little heart out until she had them hooked, lined, and married. But Noel couldn’t do that to him. Even if they tried being more than friends and enjoyed each other, they wanted completely different futures.

“Nick is fine.”

“Ugh, every girl in Mistletoe knows he is fine. Only you have been immune, until now.” Gabby elbowed her playfully. “You two still pretending you’re knocking boots? Fooling the whole town?”

“No, we decided it would be better if we went back to just friends.”

“Why is that?”

Things were getting too intense and I panicked? Noel thought.

“Because next to you, Pike, Anthony, and the rest of the Winterses, Nick is the most important person in the world to me. I would hate for any of this to blow up our friendship.”

Gabby pursed her full glossy lips. “Sounds to me like you’re scared to take a real leap with Nick.”

“I’m not scared. I don’t want to. I love Nick, but he’s just so…”

“Hot. Funny. Sweet.” Gabby laughed. “Yeah, you’re right. Those are terrible qualities in a lover.”

Noel made a face. “Ugh, don’t use that word.”

“Hey, if it was good enough for the Spice Girls, it’s good enough for me.” Gabby burst out in an off-key rendition of “Wannabe.”

“You are so crazy.” Gabby always made her laugh, even in the darkest of times. She’d been a rainbow after her parents passed and Noel didn’t know what she’d do without her.

“Part of my charm.”

“Save your charm for Drew.”

“I got enough to go around.” Gabby shot her a sidelong look. “For real though. What’s up with you two?”

Noel leaned her head back against the seat with a sigh. “I wish I knew. Everything has been weird since the kiss at the bar.”

“Weird how?”