Nick realized his sister and Noel were staring at him as though he’d lost his damn mind. He grabbed a dish towel out of the drawer and dried his face. “Yeah, I just got hot all of a sudden.”

“Like a fever?” Merry asked.

Noel put the back of her hand to his forehead, frowning. “Are you getting sick?”

“No, I…not like that…”

Noel watched him with confusion, while Merry held up her fingers like a cross. “If you’re getting something, then stay back, foul demon. I do not want any creepy crud!”

The front door opened, saving him from any more awkward explanations. Holly came in loaded down with bags and breathing hard.

“Whew, I made it a little early! I asked Reese to close down the store so you didn’t have to hold rehearsal for me. Is Frank here yet?”

“Actually, Frank got hurt.” Merry pointed her knife toward him. “Nick agreed to take his place after Mom threatened him. But I think he’s coming down with something.”

“Ew, what’s he got? Nothing snotty, right?” Holly backed up a step and Nick threw up his hands in exasperation. He was a grown man, not a ten-year-old still scared of his mama or a diseased creature.

“She did not threaten me and I am not sick! I just got a little overheated is all.”

“Uh-huh. Is it a stage fright thing?” Holly quirked a brow. “Not going to freak out and puke on us, are you, big brother?”

Nick glared at his sister’s reminder of the fifth-grade talent show. “I’ll be fine.”

“Great,” Merry said, taking a large bite of her sandwich. “We’ll finish these in the basement.”

Noel held half her sandwich out to him. “Here. I know you said you didn’t want one, but I won’t finish this.”

Nick took the sandwich, their fingers grazing. The simple touch sent a shock wave down his arm and to cover up his reaction, he tapped the end of his sandwich to hers. “Cheers. Thanks.”

They filed down to the basement while Nick grabbed his guitar and amp from his room. All reminders of Amber had been purged and placed into a box to be returned to her. All that was left were snapshots of family and friends. He hadn’t dated much in high school, so there were no other girlfriends. In nearly every photo, Noel smiled back at the camera by his side.

Studying the collage of photos, Nick agreed with Merry. They did look good together.

Damn, he was driving himself nuts. He shoved the last two bites of his sandwich into his mouth and grabbed his instrument and equipment. When he cleared the stairs, Merry sat behind her drum set, tapping the skins. Holly strummed her bass and threw her hand up in a rock on symbol.

Noel stood in front of the mic, making weird noises in her throat.

“What are you doing?” he laughed.

“Vocal warm-ups.”

“You sound like an angry turtle.”

She flipped him off.

Nick chuckled as he got his stuff set up. When he finally stood up, guitar in hand, Noel glanced his way. “You ready?”

“Sure. What’s the set list?”

“The same one my parents performed every year,” Noel said softly.

Nick watched her expression, searching for any sheen of tears, but she looked away from him, down at the mic.

Holly handed him sheet music for “Holly Jolly Christmas”.

“I’ll get you a copy of the set list and a flash drive of the music so you can practice.”

“Thanks, sis.”