Their chortling faded and Nick held onto Noel until the front door slammed shut.
“I am going to kill them.”
Her voice came out muffled with her face buried in his neck. “Me too.”
Nick buried his fingers through her hair, pulling her face up so he could study her. Her skin was molten, and he shook his head.
“Still love me?”
“Of course I do! I just wish we could finish one time without somebody interrupting!”
Nick rolled her beneath him, lifting her legs up around his hips. “Oh we’re gonna finish this tonight. I don’t care if the Hulk smashes through that door.”
“Almost having those dumbasses walk in on us has kind of put me out of the mood.”
Nick slid down the bed on his stomach until his head nestled between her thighs, her legs slung over his shoulders. “I guess I’ll have to get you back in the mood then, huh?”
Noel smiled, challenge sparking in her eyes. “Do your worst.”
Nick did, loving her with his mouth until she was pleading with him, God, he wasn’t really sure, but when he finally pushed her over that ledge, she shuddered against him with complete abandon. Spent.
When he finally pushed into her, balancing his weight on his hands as he rode her body slowly, everything faded around them. All he saw was Noel, eyes half closed, lips parted. Soft breaths escaping as she clung to his arms. Beautiful. Perfect. Home.
Noel quickened under him and he kicked up his speed, pumping his hips until she screamed his name, arching her back, her breasts pushed forward. Nearly there. Almost.
Nick shook as he let go, coming so hard he actually thought he might pass out. He lowered himself to his forearms, trembling as he kissed Noel, sliding his tongue inside to play with hers.
When he could finally move, he rolled to the side, bringing her against him. Arms holding her tight.
“That was…” he whispered.
Nick kissed her temple, chuckling lightly. “Absolutely.”
Noel snuggled into him, yawning. “How much you want to bet they ate all the pizza?”
“I wouldn’t put it past them. Good thing your man was smart enough to order an extra pie and hide it.”
“Mmmm, my man. I like that. Boyfriend. Hunk of sausage.”
“Hey now, it’s bigger than a sausage.”
Noel giggled.
“Seriously, I liked it better when you compared me to a donkey.”
She sat up, her tangled falling around them. “Compared you to a what?”
“Remember when all the pregnant women wanted to know what I was like in the sack and you said you’d told them I was hung like a donkey.”
“Hmmmm…” she laid her head on his chest without saying anything else and he nudged her.
“Hey! Is that all you’re going to say?”
“I already called you amazeballs.”