“Holy shit!” Anthony shook his head, bent over with mirth.

“Why do you think he’s doing it?”

“Money? Attention. To have a bunch of women feeling him up? We can ask him when he comes out.”

Five minutes ticked by before Pike came outside, carrying a duffle bag. He grinned apologetically, behaving completely normal.

“Hey guys, sorry. Got caught up with something. Ready for guys’ night?”

Anthony and Nick looked at each other. Then they started dancing, shaking their hips and singing Rae Sremmurd’s “Come Get Her”. When Anthony turned his ass towards Nick, he spanked it a couple times until they were laughing so hard, they had to hold each other up.

Pike stared at them, eyes glittering. “You done?”

His fury sobered them up, and Nick straightened. “We were just messing with you, man.”

“Yeah, you’re always messing with me. My clothes, my hair. I’m just a big joke to you and I’m sick of it.”

Taken aback, Nick took a step toward Pike. “Hey man, we didn’t mean anything by it. We thought you’d laugh.”

Anthony took his Broncos hat off and rubbed his head nervously. “We’re sorry. We were just giving you shit because you blew us off.”

“I sent Nick a snap to just go inside. The door was unlocked.”

Nick checked his phone and sure enough, there was a message from Pike. “I didn’t see it. Sorry, man.”

Pike looked between them, still scowling. Then his dark expression dissolved into a shit eating grin. “I got you so good.”

He threw his head back and laughed. Nick stared at him for several seconds and then relief rushed through him. “Holy shit. You were fucking with us?”

“Of course. When have I ever given two shits when you two razz me? The stripper song was a good one though.”

Anthony grabbed Pike in a headlock. “Little shit, I’mma beat your ass.”

Pike broke away from Anthony and ran a hand over his hair. “You mean, this ass?”

Pike grabbed the legs of his pants and they pulled right off, revealing a black G-string.

“Oh, fuck!” Anthony took off running with Pike chasing after him.

“Come here, Tony! I got something for you! Slow down and let me love you!”

Nick whipped out his phone, recording his two friends, laughing so hard the camera shook. Being in the barracks, they’d goofed around and grown close, but none of them could replace these men. They were his brothers. The guys he expected to stand up next to him on his wedding day.

Watching Noel walk toward him.

Nick wouldn’t mention any of his fantasies about their future, mainly because he didn’t want to freak her out. It didn’t mean they weren’t there, but if he was going to break through all of Noel’s walls, he needed to do it slowly. Carefully.

Texting her how much he missed her would be too much, too fast.

Finally, Pike and Anthony trekked back to the truck where Nick stood.

“What made you decide to do this?” Nick asked.

Pike shrugged as he snapped his pants back together. “Saw the auditions and figured if I got in, strippers make good money. Save up. Have a little fun.”

“Aren’t you nervous about dancing for women you know?”

“Nah.” Pike picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder. “Now, can we get the hell out of here and get our gaming on?”