“Whoa, you are grumpy.” They picked up their stuff and carried it back to Nick’s truck.

“Yeah, I’m pissed. He’s been dragging ass at work and he changes up when he hits the gym. And now, he isn’t even home when we’re supposed to be eating nachos and gaming.”

“Dude, you sound like a jealous girlfriend.”

“I just have respect for my friends, is all. I’m fine with him dressing like a dandy and growing that freaking soup catcher, but bailing on guys’ night? That’s where I draw the line.”

Nick stared at Anthony, who rarely raised his voice above his normal timbre, throwing a fit over a hang.

“Seriously, are you okay?”

Anthony grunted against the seat of Nick’s truck. “Yeah. Just hungry and tired.”

“Let’s go stalk our friend and if he blew us off for something stupid, we’ll kick his ass.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

They pulled into the parking lot behind Pike’s Jeep. There were a half a dozen other cars but the doors were shut and the neon signs in the window were off.

“What the fuck?” Anthony said.

“Maybe he joined a cult?”

“Let’s find out.”

They climbed out of the truck, crunching across the gravel to the entrance of Brews and Chews. They glanced at each other wordlessly before Anthony hammered on the front doors.

A few seconds ticked by before the door swung open and Amber’s Thor wannabe leaned out. He wore a blue, shiny robe that fell open to reveal a bald chest.

I say it again, what the fuck?

“Sorry guys, the bar is closed.”

Before he shut the door, Anthony put his hand out. “We’re actually looking for our friend, Pike. He was supposed to meet us.”

“He’s on stage right now. I’ll send him out when he’s done.”

Nick looked around Thor’s shoulder and caught sight of Pike. He was facing away from them on the stage, throwing it back in a…


The door shut in his face and he turned to Anthony.

“What’s that look for? What did you see?”

“I have no idea.”

“Don’t give me that. What did you see?”

Nick stood there, letting everything click into place and he swallowed. Hard. “You know the all-male review they’ve been advertising? The one Noel is seeing for Gabby’s bachelorette?”


“I’m pretty sure I just got a sneak peek.”

“What do you…” Anthony’s eyes widened and he burst out laughing. “No! No fucking way! Pike?”

“Unless there is another reason he’d be dancing around in a thong, I’m thinking Pike.”